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Ratio 3 Gallery: Dogleg - Noam Rappaport
Comment by AB: Yes on the sculptures. Less yes on the paintings. But yes worth a visit.
Art by Noam Rappaport at Ratio 3 Gallery.
Painting and sculpture by Noam Rappaport.
Sculpture in above image closer.
Noam Rappaport sculpture closer yet.
Art by Noam Rappaport.
Detail of art in above image. Kind thick & rich.
Noam Rappaport asymmetrical geometrical art.
Upbeat colorful art by Noam Rappaport.
Attendance figures - Noam Rappaport art show at Ratio 3 Gallery.
George Lawson Gallery: Alan Ebnother - Twelve Paintings
Comment by AB: A dozen 25-inch square paintings in various colors, textures and nuances. Take your pick.
Art by Alan Ebnother at George Lawson Gallery.
Alan Ebnother art closer. Available in a variety of colors.
Wall of art by Alan Ebnother.
Overview - Alan Ebnother art show at George Lawson Gallery.
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts: Mexicanos al Grito de Guerra - We Didn't Cross the Borders, the Borders Crossed Us
Artists/collectives: ECPM68, TP28J, Sublevarte, Rexiste, Dignidad Rebelde, Political Grdilock, Colectivo Doscincuenta, Grafica de Lucha, Colectivo Maria Pistolas, Vlocke, Anda La Lucha, Espacio Tercero, Mujeres Grabando Resistencias, Aderly Enriquez, Art Hazelwood, Andrea Narno, Antonio Valverde, Arlo Tafoya, Eduardo Juarez, Elizabeth Mota, Fredi Eliosa, Gandhi Noyola, Grabiel, Hugo Andrade, Iseo Noyola, Israel Enguilo, Ixchel Silva Tetera, Jesus Quinanar, Joel Martinez, Kate Deciccio, Le_marke, Lucia Vidales, Mariana Sasso, Martinez Mario, Mazatl Mezcalito, Obed Palagot, Raul Monroy, Ronnie Goodman, Salvador Segovia, Semanca Huitzillin, Carlos Jackson, Yobany Mendoza.
Comment by AB: Artists and activists have plenty to say about the US/Mexico border fiasco and the supercharged politics that go with it.
Mural by Kate Deciccio at Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts.
Israel Enguilo art.
Impressive print by Escuela de Cultura Popular M�ritres del 68 (like it).
Detail of woodcut print in above image.
The de rigueur Mission District slap at tech c/o Political Gridlock.
More power in printmaking by Martinez Mario (like it).
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Head count - group art show at Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts.
Adobe Books Backroom Gallery: Sonny Smith Record Release Party + Art Show
Artists: Cate White, Chris Johanson, Christine Sheilds, Dierdre White, Shayde Sartin, Michelle Guintu, Shannon Shaw, Grace Cooper.
The guest of honor, Sonny Smith, at Adobe Bookshop & Backroom Gallery.
Art by Chris Johanson.
Michelle Guintu art.
Art by Cate White.
Minnesota Street Project: Ehren Tool - Meditation on the Impacts of War
Comment by AB: Ehren Tool calls upon us all to dialogue on war by making ceramics about it. Always worth seeing... and reflecting on.
Wall of ceramics by Ehren Tool at Minnesota Street Project.
Cups laden with military overtones in above image closer.
Art about the military in top image closer.
Ehren Tool with works in progress discourses on his mission.
Installation by Ehren Tool.
Photographic collaboration - Ehren Tool & Ian Martin.
White Walls & Shooting Gallery: Inside - Justin Kane Elder
Jarring art by Justin Kane Elder at White Walls & Shooting Gallery.
Detail of art on left in above image.
Your basic pop icon art by Justin Kane Elder.
Roomful of art by Justin Kane Elder.
Animal art by Justin Kane Elder.
Installation view - Justin Kane Elder art at White Walls & Shooting Gallery.
Smash Gallery: Smashing into 2016
Artists: Agnieszka Pilat, Elizabeth Zanzinger, Delfin Finley, Jason Avery, Mara Light, Meredith Marsone, Britt Snyder.
Art by Mara Light at Smash Gallery.
Small art by Meredith Marsone.
Agnieszka Pilat and her art at Smash Gallery.
Art by Britt Snyder.
Elizabeth Zanzinger art up close.
L-R, art by Delfin Finley and Jason Avery.
Ambiance - group art show at Smash Gallery.
Arc Gallery & Studios: Impulse
All kinds of art for under $250 at Arc Gallery & Studios.
Ceramic bottle by Danica Nungaray.
Art by Barbara Kleinhans (upper right) - Pawtea Karimi (lower right).
Photograph by Denise Tarantino, left.
Nothing over $250 always draws a crowd at Arc Gallery & Studios.