(with assistance from Clare Coppel and RWM)

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Hosfelt Gallery: Reed Danziger - Quantum Jitters; John O'Reilly - Montages from 2008-2011.
Comment by AB: According to the fact sheet, the high plains of Wyoming serve as inspiration for this body of work by Reed Danziger, and if you look and 'em just right, you can get a pretty good feel for what she's talking about. At age 81, John O'Reilly remains at the top of his game. He's so good, in fact, that you gotta look ever so close to appreciate the considerable finesse in his work.
Art by Reed Danziger at Hosfelt Gallery.
Art by Reed Danziger.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Reed Danziger in above image.
Reed Danziger art.
Montage art by John O'Reilly at Hosfelt Gallery.
Art by John O'Reilly in above image closer.
Collage art by John O'Reilly closer (finger span = 6 1/2 inches).
John O'Reilly art closer.
George Krevsky Gallery: The Fine Art of Baseball - 14th Annual Exhibition.
Artists: Don Adams, Libby Black, Jack Carter, Rob Cox, Dana DeKalb, James Del Grosso, Dave Eggers, Jon Francis, Barry Gifford, Eduardo Gomez, Matt Gonzalez, Louis Grant, Phil Hanks, Dave Hobrecht, Charles Hobson, Steven Hughes, Andy Jurinko, Ken Kalman, Margie Lawrence, Philomena Marano, Robert Marosi Bustamante, Max Mason. John F. Melvin, Arthur K. Miller, Richard Nagler, Bill Purdom, Lance Richbourg, Chris Ross, Steven Skolar, Grant Smith, Myron Stephens, Helge Ternsten, Toby Tover Krein, Little Tuffy, Angela Villegas, Stef Walker, Macaulay Whiting, Cindy Williamson, Curtis Wright.
Review by RWM: Play ball! Great way to start the baseball season and imbue it with value beyond sport. Baseball affects everyone at sometime or other in their lives, and it is a fair bit more utopian or at least less violent than football. If only wars could be resolved on the baseball field. All manner of works here pay homage to the Great American Pastime. Some of the magic of the game is captured here. There is also fitting tribute to the SF Giants.
Comment by AB: The show just keeps getting better, the current episode sporting one of the most diverse artist rosters I've seen in quite some time.
Baseball art by Arthur K. Miller (nicely done).
Pinkie cam detail of Buster Posey art by Arthur K. Miller above.
Baseball art by Chris Ross at George Krevsky Gallery.
Ernie Banks & Stan Musial portraits by Phil Hanks.
Myron Stephens art.
L to R, art by Lance Richbourg, Cindy Williamson, Dave Hobrecht.
Frey Norris Contemporary & Modern: Julio Cesar Morales - Contrabando.
Review by Clare Coppel: This solo show of works by Julio Cesar Morales "Contrabando" presents a group of eerie thought-provoking paintings illustrating pinatas with children hidden inside them, ready to smuggle across the border. In "Narcoarquitectos" Morales creates images of underground tunnels which are used by people to cross the border beneath the streets leading into buildings above.
Art & installation by Julio Cesar Morales.
Art by Julio Cesar Morales above closer (image c/o Clare Coppel).
Julio Cesar Morales art at Frey Norris Contemporary & Modern.
Art by Julio Cesar Morales above closer (image c/o Clare Coppel).
Art by Julio Cesar Morales above closer (image c/o Clare Coppel).
Artist Julio Cesar Morales.
Video & neon installation by Julio Cesar Morales.
Julio Cesar Morales art at Frey Norris Contemporary & Modern.
The Barber Lounge: 4th Anniversary Art Opening Party.
Artists: Kelly Koehler, Artina Morton, Cecilia Welden, Javier Chalini, Stephen C. Wagner, Greg Nelson, Lee Cline, Eric Cheng, Jamie Luoto, Jonathan Baker, Micah Crandall-Bear, Robert Van Roo, Johnny Botts, Sheridan Costa, Zannah Noe, Larry Zaurus Sechs.
Comment by Clare Coppel: A wide variety of art in an awesome space.
Collage art by Stephen C. Wagner.
Art by Stephen C. Wagner closer.
Art by Lee Cline at The Barber Lounge (image c/o Clare Coppel).
Micah Crandall-Bear art.
Art at The Barber Lounge.
Gallery 1044: Grand Opening.
Artists: Gary Janis, Jack Freeman, Art Rogers, Sue Gonzalez, Barbara Kyne, Brenda Rose, Frank Skillman, Tim Gravesen, Zea Morvitz.
Comment by AB: The former Timezone Gallery upgrades itself into new and more spacious digs. Check it out. For the inaugural show, prints by Gary Janis in the main room.
Art by Gary Janis.
Group art show at Gallery 1044.
Art at Gallery 1044.
Rather unique lighting system at Gallery 1044.
Gallery 1044 frontal.
Kokoro Studio and Gallery Heist: Rise Japan.
Artists: Liesa Lietzke, Aoi Yamaguchi, Ferris Plock, Kelly Tunstall, Hugh Leeman, Hilary Williams, Jesse Hazelip, Junko Maegawa, Megan Wolfe, Aq, Ben Collison, Adam Caldwell, Mike Kimball, Neko, Eve Skaylar, Ramblin' Worker, Sadam, Silvia Poloto, William Salit, Zannah Noe, Ryan Malley, Tokio Kuniyoshi, Nazir Agah, many more.
Comment by AB: Joint fundraiser to benefit victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan courtesy of Geary Street neighbors Kokoro Studio and Gallery Heist. Loads of quality art at exceptionally fair prices. Kokoro Studio reports that their show alone raised over $15,500.
Art at Gallery Heist - Ferris Plock, Kelly Tunstall, more.
Art by Brian Barneclo (bottom) at Gallery Heist.
Art fundraiser for Rise Japan at Gallery Heist.
Turnout for Rise Japan fundraiser at Kokoro Studio.
Art fundraiser for Japan earthquake and tsunami at Kokoro Studio.
Art at Kokoro Studio.
Driftwood Salon: Mechanical Eyes.
Artists: Alon Picker, Javier Manrique, Joel Valenzuela, Shayne Herrera, Adam Nowling, Antonio Tovar, Ron Dell'Aquila, Lázaro Chávez Armenteros.
Comment by AB: Group photo fest showcases local talent.
Photography by Joel Valenzuela at Driftwood Salon.
Photography & sculpture.
Camera sculpture in above image closer.
Photographs of cameras at Driftwood Salon.
Alon Picker photography.
Artifact Gallery: Burlesque.
Artists: Jim Mahfood, Camilla D'Errico, Anthony Ausgang, N8 Van Dyke, Adam Isaac Jackson, Greg Peltz (Pixar), Sol Sallee, Isaac Bidwell.
Comment by AB: Yet another new gallery on the Ess Eff scene, tonight crammed to the rafters thanks in large part to Wondercon. The art falls mainly into animation/illustration/fantasy/science fiction/comic categories, neatly themed with bawdy subject matters.
Art at Artifact Gallery.
Art by Anthony Ausgang.
N8 Van Dyke art at Artifact Gallery.
Demographic overload at Artifact gallery.
The LAB: The Lab's Art Auction.
Artists: Ajit Chauhan, Alex Clausen, Alexis Amann, Alice Shaw, Alison O.K. Frost, Amanda Curreri, Andrew Kleindolph, Andy Vogt, Anthony Ryan, Ari Salomon, Barry Underwood, Bayete Ross Smith, Ben Meyer, Ben Venom, Billy O'Callaghan, Brian Caraway, Bryan Von Reuter, Carson Murdach, Casey Jex Smith, Catherine Ryan, Charlene Tan, Chris Basmajian, Chris Brennan, Chris Vamos, Christina LaSala, Christina Mazza, Christine Kesler, Colleen Flaherty, Cynthia Ona Innis, Dan Lydersen, Dana Hemenway, Daniel Healey, Daniel Konhauser, David Faulk, David Fought, Dee Hibbert-Jones, Deric Carner, Doug Dertinger, Ehren Tool, Ed Ruscha, Edmund Wyss, Elise Mahan, Eric Hongisto, Eric Larson, Erica Gangsei, Erik Friedman, Esther Traugot, Faye Kendall, Francesca Pastine, Gaby Wolodarski, Gail Dawson, Gareth Spor, Genevieve Quick, Ginger Snap, Hilary Pecis, Ilana Crispi, Inga Dorosz, Jake Watling, James Sterling Pitt, Jamie Brunson, Jamie Vasta, Jared Harrell, Jason Kalogiros, Kyle Knobel, Jeff Morris, Jenna North, Jenne Giles, Jeremiah Jenkins, Jessica Cadkin, Jessica Snow, Joey Piziali, Johanna Poethig, John Casey, John Hundt, Josh Pieper, Joshua Churchill, Julia Kim Smith, Julie Dummermuth, Kara Joslyn, Kara Maria, Karen Olsen-Dunn, Kathleen Quillian, Kevin Clarke, Kim Miskowicz, Laura Ball, Leslie Lowinger, Leonie Guyer, Lindsey Lyons, Liv Moe, Liz Bernstein, Liz Walsh, Liz Worthy, Mark Flood, Marsha Shaw, Martha Sue Harris, Mary Anne Kluth, Matt Kennedy, Matt Momchilov, Matthew Gordon, Michael Johnstone, Meagan Donegan, Mel Prest, Meredith Tromble, Michael Garrigues, Michael Arcega, Michael Namkung, Michelle Mansour, Misako Inaoka, Monica Lundy, Paul Madonna, Paul Mullins, Peter Foucault, Rachel Dawson, Raymie Iadevaia, Rex Ray, Rives Granade, Robert Larkin, Ruth Hodgins, Ryan Hendon, Sara Bright, Sasha Petrenko, Scott Greenwalt, Sergio De La Torre, Seth Childs, Seth Koen, Sheila Ghidini, Steven Elliott, Su-Chen Hung, Susan Chen, Tallulah Terryll, Tara Lisa Foley, Tareneh H! emami, T aro Hattori, Terrance Graven, Tom Marioni, Trevor Paglen, Val Britton, Vanessa Marsh, Vincent Como, Walter Logue, Wendy Anne Crittenden, Wenhua Shi, William Swanson with Elena Rudolph, Yuki Maruyama, Zachary Royer Scholz, more.
Comment by AB: The LAB's annual fundraiser live and silent auction event always offers tons of great creatible buying opportunities and this year's no exception.
Art auction fundraiser at The LAB.
Art on the block.
A down home dose of queasiness - art by Dan Lydersen.
Artful conviviality c/o Tom Marioni.
Art auction fundraiser at The LAB.
Art up for auction.
Triple Base Gallery: Alula Editions.
Comment by AB: By subscribing to Helena Keeffe and Amber Cady's Alula Editions, collectors can now acquire affordable limited edition textile works, a number of which are produced in collaboration with local artists. Samples of what's to come are on display here tonight.
Textile art at Triple Base Gallery.
Wall of art at Triple Base Gallery.
Textile art c/o Helena Keeffe and Amber Cady's Alula Editions.
Alula Editions collaborative art.
Wearable art.
Population sample at Triple Base Gallery.
Eleanor Harwood Gallery: Paul Wackers - idle/idol.
Comment by AB: When Paul Wackers looks at stuff, he sees things that we don't. The best part? He's got the chops and moxie to materialize his visions in paint. And the bestest part? He keeps gettin' better at it. Recommended viewing.
Art by Paul Wackers at Eleanor Harwood Gallery.
Paul Wackers art.
Art by Paul Wackers.
Paul Wackers art at Eleanor Harwood Gallery.
Art by Paul Wackers.
Gallery Hijinks: American Mythic - Peter Gronquist.
Comment by AB: What happens when pop icons get tangled up with sociopolitical and religious malaise? Peter Gronquist here theorizes on that...
Art by Peter Gronquist at Gallery Hijinks.
Peter Gronquist art.
Art by Peter Gronquist at Gallery Hijinks.
Peter Gronquist editorial art.
Art by Peter Gronquist.
Art by Peter Gronquist.
Sara Thustra debuts a new painting (measuring somewhere in the vicinity of 6 x 10 to 8 x 12 ft) at yet another one of his notoriously honkin' underground hoedowns. I don't care what anybody says; the dude can paint. Like it!