Reported by Clare Coppel and RWM

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Harvey Milk Photo Center: Photo Exhibit Reception for Members and Enthusiasts.
Photographers: Monty Suwannukul, Cris Rye, Kerri Hamernick, Traci Williams, Val Kai, Jeff Doleman, Georgina Reskala, Gordon Szeto, Tannie Soo Hoo, Brendan Campbell, Shane Powers, Alex Mizuno, Ashley E. Owen, Joe Blum, Roger Thoms, Chris Gould, Gigi Fields, Barry Rabbits, Raphael Villet, Neil O'Conner, Lisette Poole, Gordon Osmundson, Maja Pilipovic, Irina Varshavshy, Barry Biederman, Jeremy Epstein, Michael Ten Pas, Boyoung Kang, John Carr, Eugenia Clark, Grant Rusk, Pedro Pulido, Jason Andrescavage, Yelena Zhavoronkova, Grant A. Jacobs.
Review and images by Clare Coppel: Group show by photographers who use the Photo Center to produce work. Photographs in color digital and black & white film include much nature and people.
Review by RWM: Great party. A nice collection of photographs on display. You'll find all sorts of variety here. You need not be a professional to either join or enjoy.
Gigi Fields photography at Harvey Milk Photo Center.
Photograph by Boyoung Kang.
Boyoung Kang photography.
Photograph by Barry Rabbits at Harvey Milk Photo Center.
The LAB: A Floorless Room Without Walls - Annual Juried Exhibition.
Artists: Aaron Finnis, Amy Ho, Anonymous, Cybele Lyle, Daniel Konhauser, Emma Spertus, Zarouhie Abdalian, Joseph Rosenzweig. Curated by Marcella Faustini and Chris Fitzpatrick.
Review and images by Clare Coppel: Apparently all the art is on the ceiling, however I don't see much art up there. A few projections, yes, but overall I really wonder, "Where is the art?" What I do see is more like, "Um... well... what is the point?..." Maybe this is lack of art education on my part-- yeah, about that MFA--- but hey, what about art for the rest of us? Am I part of the rest of us? I'm here, right? I guess the real "rest of us" is supposed to be somewhere else, or if they're here, they're the ones drinking beer or talking to one another and paying no attention to the art.
Review by RWM: The sky is not falling here, but what an odd way to look at art. It is awfully rare to see such things on a ceiling, but worth the look anyway-- it's good for your posture. The presentation will keep you guessing.
Art on the ceiling at The LAB.
Ceiling art (at least some people think so).
Art show on the ceiling at The LAB.
Demographics - some get it, the rest of us don't.
Fabric8 Gallery: Summer of the Swanicorn - New Works by Daniel Fleres.
Review by RWM, images c/o Fabric8 Gallery: Think you have seen this image before, but here it is ten different ways on the same wall. Fascinating creativity and a nice place to visit and carouse. The art is of a pleasant fantastical sort. Enjoy the vitality.
Art by Daniel Fleres at Fabric8 Gallery.
Daniel Fleres art.
Rosenthal Gallery: Justin Amrhein - Schema.
Review by RWM, images c/o Michael Rosenthal Gallery: Pop art meets engineering and the technological world here. It is quite amazing, all the structural design that goes into our constructions, especially the tubes and pipes on the ceiling or in the basement. Here they have become an interesting inspiration for art. Wondering where all these contraptions come from? That is not answered here, but you cannot help but be amazed anyway. Incredible engineering on display. The color schemes are pretty good too. Beware the associated toxic chemicals.
Art by Justin Amrhein at Michael Rosenthal Gallery.
Justin Amrhein art.