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    FIRST THURSDAY - 07.12.12 - Part I

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    John Berggruen Gallery: Michael Gregory - Five Hundred Miles.

    Comment by AB: American farms and farm buildings as recreated, revered romanticized by Michael Gregory. The show's title, Five Hundred Miles, refers to Gregory's exploratory travels throughout Western and Midwestern rural America in order to more completely experience the inspirations for his art. Worth a visit.

    Michael Gregory artist art

    Art by Michael Gregory at John Berggruen Gallery.


    Farmland art by Michael Gregory.


    Michael Gregory and his art at John Berggruen Gallery.

    Michael Gregory art

    Michael Gregory includes two florals just to make sure you're paying attention.


    Romanticized American farm art by Michael Gregory.


    Michael Gregory art at John Berggruen Gallery.


    Aerial - Michael Gregory art show at John Berggruen Gallery.


    Stephen Wirtz Gallery: Silver Curtain.

    Photographers: Antoine d'Agata, Lewis Baltz, EJ Bellocq, William Christenberry, Mark Citret, John Divola, Robert Frank, Ralph Gibson, Emmet Gowin, Jim Goldberg, John Gossage, Anthony Hernandez, Todd Hido, Steve Kahn, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Daido Moriyama, Nicholas Nixon, Johann Palisa and Max Wolf, Jack Pierson, Melanie Pullen, Paul Schiek, Frederick Sommer, Alec Soth, Larry Sultan, Catherine Wagner.

    Comment by AB: "Photographs that address notions of presence and absence, of things concealed and revealed, by curtains both metaphorical and literal."

    Jim Goldberg artist art

    Photographs by Jim Goldberg at Stephen Wirtz Gallery.


    Left to right, photos by Todd Hido, Larry Sultan, John Divola.


    Photos by John Divola (left) - Alec Soth (right) at Stephen Wirtz Gallery.


    Photography by John Gossage (left), Anthony Hernandez (right).


    Left to right, photos by Larry Sultan, Frederick Sommer, Jack Pierson.


    Daido Moriyama photography (center, right) at Stephen Wirtz Gallery.


    Emmet Gowin photograph at Stephen Wirtz Gallery.


    Brian Gross Fine Art: Breaking and Entering - Judith Foosaner.

    Comment by AB: Paintings on paper, cut and collaged onto canvas by Judith Foosaner are inspired by dance and jazz. Nicely done; check 'em out.

    Judith Foosaner artist art

    Art by Judith Foosaner at Brian Gross Fine Art.


    Art by Judith Foosaner.


    Owner Brian Gross with art by Judith Foosaner in above image closer.

    Judith Foosaner art

    Judith Foosaner art at Brian Gross Fine Art.


    Gregory Lind Gallery: Decade - Celebrating 10 Years.

    Artists: Reed Anderson, Richard Baker, Sarah Bostwick, Tom Burckhardt, Thomas Campbell, Chris Corales, Jim Gaylord, Chris Gentile, Seth Koen, Ed Loftus, Jake Longsteth, Bob Matthews, Christian Maychack, Eamon O'Kane, Aaron Parazette, Anders Ruhwald, Jovi Schnell, Barbara Takenaga, Daniel Turner, Don Voisine, Sarah Walker, Leigh Wells, Karla Wozniak, Will Yackulic.

    Comment by AB: Gregory Lind celebrates the gallery's first decade of existence with a survey of work by artists who have shown at the gallery during those years.

    artist art

    Clockwise from left - art by Reed Anderson, Bob Matthews, Chris Corales.


    Clockwise from left - art by Karla Wozniak, Richard Baker, Tom Burckhardt.


    Clockwise from left - art by Ed Loftus, Aaron Parazette, Jake Longstreth.


    Left to right - art by Will Yackulic (left, up), Anders Ruhwald (left, down),
    Daniel Turner, Don Voisine.


    Art by Barbara Takenaga (upper right), Jim Gaylord (lower right).


    Group show at Gregory Lind Gallery (Leigh Wells sculpture, center).


    Robert Koch Gallery: Inside/Outside.

    Photographers: Holly Andres, Jeff Brouws, Charles Clifford, Tamas Dezso, Elliott Erwitt, Debbie Fleming Caffery, Oliver Gagliani, Richard Gordon, Karel Hajek, Tibor Honty, Ken Josephson, Dorothea Lange, Helen Levitt, Emila Medkova, Josef Sudek, Drahotin Sulla, Janos Szasz, William Henry Fox Talbot, Brian Ulrich, Edward Weston, Michael Wolf.

    Comment by AB: Group show of period and contemporary photographs themed on indoors, outdoors and the boundaries in between.

    Brian Ulrich artist art

    Vacant America photography by Brian Ulrich at Robert Koch Gallery.


    Photographs by Elliott Erwitt (left), .


    Photograph by Dorthea Lange (right) at Robert Koch Gallery.


    Photography closer at Robert Koch Gallery.


    Group photography show at Robert Koch Gallery.


    Long view - group photography show at Robert Koch Gallery.




    Summer group show at George Krevsky Gallery.


    Thomas Hart Benton watercolor, left, at George Krevsky Gallery.


    One more from summer group art show at George Krevsky Gallery.


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    First Thursday - June 7, 2012

    First Thursday - May 5, 2012
