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    (With assistance from RWM)

    Art Consulting from Alan Bamberger

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    Moroso Projects: Tom Kha Gai (Hot Silk) - Michael Assiff, Carson Fisk-Vittori, Derek Frech, Izabelle New.

    Review by RWM: Strange but compelling. Not art as a product, but more surprising things like you might never have seen before. Fascinating may be an overstatement, but you may find attraction to the previously unfamiliar.

    Comment by AB: Likely an omen of things to come in San Francisco artland, we have yet another gallery/company collaboration, this time between Nate Hooper (formerly of The Popular Workshop), Greg Ito (formerly of Ever Gold Gallery), and Moroso Construction Inc (I love when companies support art). The exhibition's in Moroso's entrance area, about as good a gallery space as you'll find. Here's the huge advantage to these types of arrangements-- Hooper tells me that the format eliminates the pressure of always having to sell art in order to make expenses, lessens concerns over having to show only art that's potentially salable, and allows for more experimentation and presentation of art for art's sake. And Moroso employees and clients get an ongoing procession of creative installations. Perfection. As for this particular show, the title Tom Kha Gai refers to a traditional Thai soup known for its unique blend of flavors, and this show is intended to be the visual art equivalent of that.

    Carson Fisk-Vittori artist art

    Art/installation by Carson Fisk-Vittori at Moroso Projects (nicely done).


    Carson Fisk-Vittori art/installation.


    Art in above image closer.

    Michael Assiff art

    Art by Michael Assiff.


    Art in above image closer & from the side (kinda like it).


    Derek Frech art.


    Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.


    Art by Izabelle New.

    artist art

    Izabelle New art.


    Art by Izabelle New closer.


    Subtle accent art from a previous show.


    Statistical sample - group art show at Moroso Projects.
