(with assistance from RWM)
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Anthony Meier Fine Arts: Jeremy Dickinson - New Paintings.
Comment by AB: London artist Jeremy Dickinson's finely detailed small format paintings of vintage toy vehicles reference not only his personal collection, but also childhood play and in particular, the rudimentary drawings of his young son Nico. Added to that, his portrayals of the trucks and cars as worn, stacked, useless, disposable and abandoned give you even more to think about. Good show.
Toy vehicle art by Jeremy Dickinson.
Art by Jeremy Dickinson in above image closer.
Larger format art by Jeremy Dickinson.
Jeremy Dickinson art.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image by Jeremy Dickinson.
Jeremy Dickinson art with rendition of drawing by son Nico.
Art by Jeremy Dickinson closer.
McKinley Art Solutions at Hotel Triton: Beautiful Safety - Casey Koerner.
Review by RWM: Interesting paintings by Casey Koerner present the animal familiar as animal guide, seeming also to provide spiritual guidance. These are birds of prey-- eagles and owls. City birds like pigeons and English Sparrows do not always play such roles, but in some parts of town they are wholesome nonetheless. Koerner's uneasy and unconventional use of color will surprise, pulling your eyes all over the canvas, these magical colors of an unexpected and unknowable kind.
Art by Casey Koerner.
Art by Casey Koerner at Hotel Triton.
Casey Koerner art.
Art by Casey Koerner.
Gallery 16: These Are The People In Your Neighborhood - 16th Anniversary Book Release; New Editions.
New Editions artists: Amy Ellingson, Stefan Kirkeby, Shaun O'Dell, Inez Storer.
Review by RWM: Sixteen years of all the brave and amazing Gallery 16 artists are collected together in one book. All those years, images by over 70 artists and essays by Maria Porges, Glen Helfand and Mark Van Proyen are here available for a real nice price-- only $25.
Comment by AB: Copies of the book for sale tonight have been signed by numerous artists and essayists. Not sure how many of these might be left, but it's sure worth asking. Artists include William Kentridge, Mark Grotjahn, Rex Ray, Xylor Jane, Arturo Herrera, Jim Isermann, Michelle Grabner, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Deborah Oropallo, Harrell Fletcher, Shaun O'Dell, Darren Waterston, Libby Black, and more.
Art by Amy Ellingson.
Amy Ellingson art closer.
Art by Shaun O'Dell.
Photography by Stefan Kirkeby.
Stefan Kirkeby & daughter engaged in the act of book signing.
The book - Sixteen Years of Gallery 16.
"These Are the People In Your Neighborhood" - Gallery 16 art.
Glen Helfand (left) signing away.
Gallery 16 frontal.
Art by Sara Christian at Kokoro Studio.
More from Sara Christian art at Kokoro Studio.
Fashion in above image closer - Sara Christian at Kokoro Studio.
Michal Tavrovsky & Jenny Belotserkovsky art at Sanyok Gallery.
Michal Tavrovsky & Jenny Belotserkovsky art at Sanyok Gallery.
Art by Marcelo Eli at A. Aversano Galleria.
More Marcelo Eli art at A. Aversano Galleria.
Last one from Marcelo Eli art at A. Aversano Galleria.