(with assistance from Clare Coppel)

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Hosfelt Gallery: Julie Chang - Silk Road STYLE, Orange County Chic!; Crystal Liu - What Sparkles.
Comment by AB: Julie Chang's precision Chinese/American motif overlays of textile designs look like silkscreens, but on the zoom-in, you realize that they're actually paintings. Nice. In the rear gallery, Crystal Liu paints up dramatic instances of adventure in the garden, and then enriches the outcomes by blending in human emotions and elements, possibly her own.
Art by Julie Chang.
Julie Chang art.
Art by Julie Chang.
Art by Julie Chang.
Art by Crystal Liu.
Crystal Liu art.
Art by Crystal Liu.
Marx & Zavattero: William Swanson - Groundwork.
Comment by AB: William Swanson's dynamic architectural landscapes with phantasmic embellishments evidence aspects of apocalypse and Arcadia alike.
Art by William Swanson.
William Swanson art at Marx & Zavattero.
Art by William Swanson.
William Swanson art.
Steven Wolf Fine Arts: Dustin Kelly - American Water.
Review by Clare Coppel: Paintings by Dustin Kelly are largely inspired by and in part created with Natural Ice beer (apparently the best beer for the job, according to Kelly). I like the red one.
Art by Dustin Kelly.
Dustin Kelly and his art (the red one).
Art by Dustin Kelly.
Dustin Kelly, video art star (photo c/o Clare Coppel).
Art by Dustin Kelly.
Guerrero Gallery: Ryan Wallace - (((Omega.))); Hilary Pecis - Half Truths and Outright Lies.
Review by Clare Coppel: Mixed media works by Ryan Wallace consist of paint, cut up pieces of paper, glue, glitter and probably tons of other stuff. These very icy (wait, is this a trend?) abstract textured pieces remind me of organic cityscapes of the future.
Also at Guerrero Gallery Hilary Pecis collects images off the internet and collages them together to create surreal dream like landscapes. Are we in outer space yet? Or is it Americana-land? Whip cream, cowboys, snow, kittens, trains, rainbows, airplanes, explosions, castles, doves, bunnies with pink eyes and marshmallows.
Comment by AB: Hilary Pecis conjures up digital realities so convincing that you don't even think about the medium. And that's what places her work well above the gross overabundance of lame ass look-what-I-can-do-with-Photoshop "digital art" out there. Check 'em out!
Art by Ryan Wallace.
Art by Ryan Wallace.
Detail of art by Ryan Wallace in above image.
Ryan Wallace and his art.
Art by Ryan Wallace.
Art by Ryan Wallace.
Detail of art by Ryan Wallace above (photo c/o Clare Coppel).
Art by Hilary Pecis.
Detail of art above by Hilary Pecis (photo c/o Clare Coppel).
Hilary Pecis and her digital collage art.
Art by Hilary Pecis (photo c/o Clare Coppel).
Detail of collage art by Hilary Pecis (photo c/o Clare Coppel).
Digital collage art by Hilary Pecis.
Eleanor Harwood Gallery: In the Dark - Three Considerations.
Artists: Joe Bender, Niall McClelland, Francesca Pastine.
Comment by AB: Joe Bender makes his own paints and then applies 'em to aluminum in rich multiple layers; Francesca Pastine obsessively edits New York Times news stories with fields of heavily applied graphite; Naill McClelland folds solid black large format photocopies into intricate geometries. Dark art all the way around.
New York Times graphite editorial art by Francesca Pastine.
Francesca Pastine and her art.
Francesca Pastine completely blacks both sides of NYT pages.
Art by Joe Bender.
Niall McClelland art.
Galeria de la Raza: La Llorona Unfabled - Stories to (Re)tell To Little Girls.
Artists: Monica Enriquez-Enriquez, Ana Teresa Fernandez, Geraldine Lozano, Rosario Sotelo, Tanya Vlach.
Review by Clare Coppel: The story of La Llorona is about a woman who drowns her children (something about a man) and becomes a crying witch type blood sucking ghost creature of many creepy legends. In this show the artists create a positive Latina image, one of women in control of their own destiny, my favorite being Ana Teresa Fernandez's ice stilettos which melt as the modern-day cinderella wearing them (Ana Teresa) awaits her prince while standing on a rain gutter in Oakland. I also like the piece showing Fernandez in the Tijuana River-- really beautiful.
Art by Ana Teresa Fernandez.
Ana Teresa Fernandez art in above image closer.
Ice stiletto video art by Ana Teresa Fernandez.
Video art by Ana Teresa Fernandez.
Ana Teresa Fernandez video art (photo c/o Clare Coppel).
Installation art (photo c/o Clare Coppel).
Video art.
Root Division: Liminal Takes.
Artists: Ana Belen Cantoni, Cristina Guerreiro, David Pena Lopera, Gabriela Pena Ålvarez, Jimena Mendoza, Luis Guerra Miranda, Maria Ezcurra, Morelos Leon Celis, Neli Ruzic, Marie-Christine Camus, Paulina Velazquez Solis, Proyecto Traslados (Ariadne Nenclares Pitol, Gibran Morales, Omar Soto, Valeria Caballero Aguilar).
Comment by AB: According to the crib sheet, "Root Division, with the support of Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes... exhibits work by 15 Latino-based or born artists from Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Croatia, and France."
Dress made entirely out of clothing labels (like it).
Detail of clothing label dress in above image.
Installation art.
Floor of art/installation in above image closer.
HungryMan Gallery: Between New Moons - Heidi Norton.
Comment by AB: Mixed media photographic works and sculptures by Heidi Norton are showing at this new gallery on 14th Street near Guerrero.
Art by Heidi Norton - compositionally appealing.
Art (I think) by Heidi Norton.
Heidi Norton art.
HungryMan Gallery frontal - art by Heidi Norton.
White Walls Gallery: Linear Empires.
Artists: Augustine Kofie, Geoff Campen, Diana Campen, Mary Iverson, Richard Pearse, Monelyess, Brendan Monroe and Gregory Ito.
Comment by AB: Group show investigates the interplay of art and design.
Art by Gregory Ito.
Art by Mary Iverson.
Augustine Kofie art.
Art by Moneyless at White Walls Gallery.
Art by Richard Pearse (kinda like it).
Pinkie cam detail of art by Richard Pearse in above image.
Art by Geoff Campen and Diana Ruiz.
The Shooting Gallery: Michael Page - Into Passing.
Comment by AB: Michael Page concocts a curious reality indeed. It's so way out there, you may even get a little queasy thinkin' about it.
Art by Michael Page.
Art by Michael Page.
Michael Page art.
Art by Michael Page closer.
Art by Michael Page closer.
Michael Page art.
Art by Michael Page.
Population density.
Lopo Gallery: Passed Patterns.
Artists: Lauren Napolitano, Jon Carling, Denise Joy Amos.
Comment by AB: The opening night features a woman getting her head shaved to a percussive musical performance. The art consists mainly of small drawings on paper, interspersed here and there with an installation.
Musical performance in progress.
More from musical performance.
The main act - hair removal in progress.
Enclosed altar art installation in the next room.
Enclosed altar installation art from the outside.
Massive monster group show at Space Gallery.
Mega monster art extravaganza at Space Gallery.
Last one from mungo monster art show at Space Gallery.