(with assistance from RWM and Kelly Madsen)

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Silverman Gallery: Scott Treleaven.
Comment by AB: From what I can understand (which is not all that much), Scott Treleaven's art and photography (all if it reasonably appealing) sort of have something to do with cogitating on outdated forms of media. The visuals, according to the official communiqué, are "based on techniques pioneered by the early Symbolists, these almost painterly images present strangely formalized glimpses of glyphs and ciphers that gesture beyond what is merely 'seen.'" I'm thinkin' perhaps the next show might have an entrance exam...
Art by Scott Treleaven at Silverman Gallery.
Scott Treleaven photography.
Photograph by Scott Treleaven closer.
Art by Scott Treleaven.
Scott Treleaven art at Silverman Gallery.
Photo sculpture by Scott Treleaven.
Performance Art Institute: Everything is Always Moving - Julia Goodman; Forms That I Know For Sure - Justin Hoover.
Comment by AB: Downstairs, experience an impressive installation of handmade paper works by Julia Goodman including her trademark 3-D vortex comprised of progressively proportioned textured 2-D paper mache rings. A series of wall pieces reference an eleven-month period of mourning based on a Jewish tradition. Upstairs, Justin Hoover throws down some serious Martial Arts maneuvers. Forms he knows for sure? Without question.
Art by Julia Goodman.
Detail of art by Julia Goodman in above image.
Julia Goodman and her art at the Performance Art Institute.
Vortex art by Julia Goodman from the side.
Art in above image by Julia Goodman from another angle.
Looking into Julia Goodman's vortex art.
Art & installation by Julia Goodman.
Justin Hoover performs live on the white paper walkway.
Justin Hoover goes airborne on the white paper walkway.
1AM Gallery: Vogue TDK - Memoirs of Vogue.
Review by RWM: Beauty captured in many shapes and forms. There is the gorgeous face, but also fascination with the machine. Wondrously presented in vibrant colors.
Comment by AB: Vogue tells me he paints every iota of every painting exclusively with spray cans... and nothing more. Nicely done.
Art by Vogue TDK.
Art by Vogue.
Vogue and his art.
Art by Vogue at 1AM Gallery.
Vogue spray can art.
Spray can art by Vogue TDK at 1 AM Gallery.
Fivepoints Arthouse: Out In Public - Tina Dillman.
Review by RWM: Some amazing scenes you are not likely to see elsewhere, but in the city. One can fly around downtown like the beautiful circling pigeons. There are also abstract views of the city buildings. From odd angles, all sorts of shapes can be created. There is also close examination of the mundane, even the surface of the sidewalk. Most interesting is a video of people and vehicles making their way down a street. Pay attention or at least stay for a while because at times everything travels backwards.
Video installation art by Tina Dillman.
Photography by Tina Dillman at Fivepoints Arthouse.
Tina Dillman photographs closer.
Art & installation by Tina Dillman at Fivepoints Arthouse
Queens Nails Projects: The Man Who Plants Scenarios - Zhou Tao. Guest curated by Xiaoyu Weng.
Review by Kelly Madsen: The main space of the gallery is dark. As urban images of old Guangzhou city in China rendered desolate by "the great ship"--a symbol of the mechanization of production, commercialism, and the destruction of all things organic-- flicker onto a blank surface straight ahead, artist Zhou Thao awakens gallery patrons to the reality of modernity and rapidly vanishing traditions by capturing these sentiments on film. The surrounding walls document the old city's extinction with photographs and poetic statements. In the adjoining gallery space, a film of the artist tracking his daily movements around his apartment with string over the course of a day is portrayed on video. As time passes the artist is increasingly forced to be creative with his movements as the apartment becomes increasingly congested with the string that's marked his life's path. Together the two spaces that house this exhibition provide gallery goers with insight into the passage of time and the changes time brings to tradition.
Comment by AB: Captivating and contemplative presentation by Guangzhou, China video artist Zhou Tao. The repertoire includes a series of videos where Zhou Tao pilfers from the public electrical grid to power everyday appliances such as lamps or speakers; wistful scenes of old Guangzhou (soon to be razed for high rise construction) ordered in a sequence that may imply a plot line; and a documentary day in the apartment where Tao records his every move by continuously unwinding a large ball of string in order to record his every move as he putters about. Definitely recommended.
Video art by Zhou Tao at Queens Nails Projects.
Old Guangzhou video art by Zhou Tao.
Video artist Zhou Tao out front at Queens Nails Projects.
Zhou Tao powers a lamp off of the public power grid.
Stringing around the apartment - Zhou Tao video art.
Roll Up Gallery (aka Public Works): Terry Hoff -- strapped - wrapped - rapped.
Comment by AB: Terry Hoff wildly combines various high points of Modern art-- from Surrealism to abstract expressionism to pop to urban-- in his zippy hi-gloss acrylic compositions. Experience a genuinely unique perspective here.
Art by Terry Hoff.
Terry Hoff and his art.
Art by Terry Hoff at Roll Up Gallery (aka Public Works).
Terry Hoff art closer (finger span = 6 1/2 inches).
Art by Terry Hoff.
Lower Haters Gallery: Massive Nuts.
Artists: Galo, Ottograph, 2501.
Comment by AB: Galo and 2051 (Jacopo Ceccarelli) are here from Italy, Ottograph's in town from the Netherlands. And that's tonight's lineup.
Art by Ottograph.
Galo, 2051, Ottograph (not necessarily in that order).
Art by 2051 (Jacopo Ceccarelli).
Art by Galo at Lower Haters.
Hot off the BBQ wild boar c/o Charles Linder at Ever Gold Gallery.
Charles Linder & sou chef serve it off the pickup truck at Ever Gold.
Diminutive girlie art by Alice Koswara at Fabric8 Gallery.
Art by Alice Koswara closer at Fabric8 Gallery.