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Limn Art Gallery: Laureen Landau.
Comment by AB: Early and mid-career paintings from the estate of Sacramento artist, Laureen Landau (1939-2009).
Art by Laureen Landau at Limn Art Gallery.
Laureen Landau art.
Early and mid-career paintings by Laureen Landau.
Art by Laureen Landau at Limn Art Gallery.
Unspeakable Projects: You Are A Bitch - Hannah Ireland and Annie Vought.
Comment by AB: Friends Hannah Ireland and Annie Vought team up to perpetrate a multimedia art show and installation consisting of picket fence territorial boundaries by Hannah Ireland and nifty cut paper calligraphics by Annie Vought. When not doing that, they're constraining themselves in commercial plastic wrap, finger traps and the like. I guess you might call it love bondage.
Video art by Hannah Ireland and Annie Vought, fence c/o Ireland.
Cut paper art by Annie Vought.
Pinkie cam detail of cut paper art above by Annie Vought.
Love bondage video art by Hannah Ireland and Annie Vought.
More restraint c/o Hannah Ireland and Annie Vought.
Long view - Hannah Ireland & Annie Vought at Unspeakable Projects.
Paintings by Robert D Harris at Dada Lounge.
Another from Robert D Harris at Dada Lounge.
Dada Lounge proper - art by Robert D Harris.