(with assistance from RWM)

Art opening protocol for artists. Click Here.
Hosfelt Gallery: in, on, un - Emil Lukas; A List of Destinations - Ben McLaughlin.
Review by RWM: Conceptual breakthrough of the weekend. Look closely at Emil Lukas's work and you discover the component that's hidden from a distance. Standing back, the colors blend, but on closer examination you find depth, separated color and yes, thread-- all thread, only thread and plenty of it. High concept paintings without paint. It's art anyway you look at it-- color and a canvas of sorts.
In contrast are the representational paintings of Ben McLaughlin. The art is contained in small formats and has an F. Scott Fitzgerald-like stylized American look to it. But the works are classy in a way with the outdoors presented as a wide open space for recreational gatherings and the scenery is beautiful. The calming effects evoke a time that is still available somewhere.
Comment by AB: Good show on both counts, but the Emil Lucas "paintings" have to be seen to be believed. Not quite sure how they'll fare over time, but they sure look fab now. Sidle on by.
Art by Emil Lukas at Hosfelt Gallery.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Emil Lukas in above image.
Art by Emil Lukas - paper cast of bubble wrap.
Art by Emil Lukas in above image closer.
Thread art by Emil Lukas at Hosfelt Gallery (like it).
Pinkie cam detail of art by Emil Lukas above.
Plaster casts of plastic bags by Emil Lukas.
Emil Lukas art at Hosfelt Gallery.
Art by Emil Lukas.
Small-formate art by Ben McLaughlin.
Ben McLaughlin art at Hosfelt Gallery closer (like it).
Art by Ben McLaughlin - anachronistic Hudson river twist (nice).
Meridian Gallery: In Extremis - Prints Monumental, Intimate, and Encompassing. Curated by Art Hazelwood.
Artists: Kathy Aoki, David Avery, Alexandra Blum, Robert Brokl, Jessica Dunne, Juan Fuentes, Alice Gibbons, Ronnie Goodman, Art Hazelwood, Katya McCulloch, Sarah Newton, Rik Olson, Patrick Piazza, Roy Ragle, Jenny Robinson, Calixto Robles, Anthony Ryan, Jos Sances, Herlinde Spahr, Toru Sugita, Xavier Viramontes, Sandy Walker, Imin Yeh, The Great Tortilla Conspiracy, New World Border, San Francisco Print Collective, San Quentin Printmakers, Sit/Lie Posse, the art book collection of Dickran Tashjian.
Review by RWM: Some amazing prints on display. All sorts of color schemes presented. One may even think that certain of the works are actually paintings. The muse of the city has been captured in detail. Extreme some of the etchings are, often in an inspiring and detailed type of way.
Comment by AB: Another Art Hazelwood winner. The dude knows his prints and printmakers... and always with a healthy dose of activism. Worth a visit; loads to see.
Print show at Meridian Gallery.
Printmaking arts.
Art by Toru Sugita.
Printmakers art at Meridian Gallery.
Art - wax casts made to look like lithography stones.
Art by Jessica Dunne at Meridian Gallery.
Art of printmaking.
Print show curated by Art Hazelwood at Meridian Gallery.
White Walls Gallery: Indigo - New Works by APEX.
Comment by AB: Electrifying action paintings on denim by APEX speak to a swirling surging cosmic kind of reality.
Art by APEX at White Walls Gallery.
Art by APEX in above image closer.
APEX and his art at White Walls Gallery.
Art by APEX.
APEX art on denim at White Walls Gallery.
Christopher Felver's Ferlinghetti documentary plays late at E6 Gallery.
Steven Wolf, Peter Frank, George Melrod (Art Ltd), Robert Berman at E6 Gallery.