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John Pence Gallery: Adam Forfang; Jonathan Koch.
Comment by AB: Still-lifes, figure paintings, cityscapes portraits, trompe l'oeils and more by Adam Forfang. For you detail connoisseurs, he paints a really good nail hole. Jonathan Koch meanwhile, paints up some spiffy baseball still-lifes. Sidle on by.
Art by Adam Forfang at John Pence Gallery.
Art in above image closer.
Adam Forfang and his art at John Pence Gallery.
Still life with nail holes by Adam Forfang.
Pinkie cam detail of painted nail hole in above image.
Art by Adam Forfang with self-portrait, right.
Adam Forfang art at John Pence Gallery.
Baseball mitt still-life by Jonathan Koch (nicely done).
Luggage Store Gallery: Brett Goodroad - What Imaginist Knew.
Comment by AB: Showcase for this year's Tournesol Award winner Brett Goodroad who melds action painting, impressionism, performance and various creative vagueries into compositions that give you just enough to get you started, but beyond that are open to a healthy range of interpretations.
Art by Brett Goodroad at Luggage Store Gallery.
Vague art by Brett Goodroad closer.
Brett Goodroad discusses his art.
I get it, but what's the point?
Art by Tournesol award winner Brett Goodroad.
A bit of a throwback to Bay Area Figurative painting.
Turnout - Brett Goodroad art show at Luggage Store Gallery.
ArtHaus Gallery: The New Yorkers; Northern California - Brian Blood.
Artists: Marc Lambrechts, Joanne Landis, Chris Schiavo, Adam Kurtzman, Serena Bocchino, Suzanne Benton, Deborah Brown, Franc D'Ambrosio, Camille Eskell, Carol Massa, Andrea Arroyo, Greg Drasler.
Comment by AB: Group show by New York artists in the main galley. In the side gallery, faithful renditions of period California impressionism by Brian Blood.
Art by Deborah Brown (left) - Andrea Arroyo (right) at ArtHaus Gallery.
New Yorkers group show.
Carved divider art.
Art by Serena Bocchino.
Art by Brian Blood.
Brian Blood art closer.
Art by Brian Blood at ArtHaus Gallery.
Arc Gallery & Studios: Sweet & Subversive - Contemporary Feminist Craft Exhibition.
Artists: Ellen Greene, Mary O'Brien, Forrest Solis, Cait Spera, Shalene Valenzuela, Jennifer Weigel.
Comment by AB: Five feminist artists make art with a message. My favorite? Forrest Solis split-screen commentaries combine past with present with a dash of erotica to remind us how far we've come... and how far we've yet to go. Check it out.
Art by Forrest Solis at Arc Gallery & Studios (like it).
Forrest Solis art.
Pinkie cam detail of art by Cait Spera.
Dessert art by Mary O'Brien.
Ceramic art by Mary O'Brien.
Art by Jennifer Weigel.
Art by Shalene Valenzuela at Arc Gallery & Studios.
Shalene Valenzuela art.
Tattoo art by Ellen Greene.
Ambiance - group feminist art show at Arc Gallery & Studios.
FFDG: Interwoven - Sylvia Ji.
Comment by AB: Festive celebrations of color by Sylvia Ji are inspired by Mexican traditions and designs. Stop on by.
Art by Sylvia Ji at FFDG.
Art by Sylvia Ji closer.
Sylvia Ji and her art at FFDG.
Art inspired by Mexican tradition and design.
Sylvia Ji Artist Series wine label c/o Kenwood Vineyards (good wine too).
Art by Sylvia Ji.
Luminaries too numerous to mention.
Relative density - Sylvia Ji art show at FFDG.
The LAB: Klea McKenna - Volcano Watchers.
Comment by AB: Klea McKenna reflects in photographs on various aspects of her childhood and growing up in Hawaii.
Photography by Klea McKenna at The LAB.
Photograph of rain.
Photographic abstraction by Klea McKenna.
Folded photographs.
Attendance figures - Klea McKenna photography show at The LAB.
Needles & Pens: Dave King's Odd Alcove - A Solo Show and book release for "The Secret Origins of the Crass Symbol."
Comment by AB: The show's title pretty much says it all. The fare is mainly a combination of Dave King's photography and symbology, particularly relating to the logo he created for the Punk Rock group Crass. During the course of his distinguished career, he's been a musician, illustrator, graphic designer and more. Good stuff.
Photography and sculpture by Dave King at Needles & Pens.
Photography and graphic design by Dave King.
Dave King and his art at Needles & Pens.
Variations on the famed Crass logo.
Photography & sculpture by Dave King.
Scene - Dave King art show at Needles & Pens.