(with assistance from RWM)

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Luna Rienne Gallery: Searching For Higher Ground - Erik Otto.
Comment by AB: I have no idea what the show's statement means so we'll skip that, but when I look at the art, it's kind of like having preferred seating at The Big Bang, and that's good enough for me.
Art by Erik Otto at Luna Rienne Gallery.
Art by Erik Otto.
Erik Otto (center right) and his art at Luna Rienne Gallery.
Neon & mirror art by Erik Otto.
Neon art in above image from the side.
Art by Erik Otto.
Erik Otto art.
Out front - Erik Otto art show at Luna Rienne Gallery.
Campfire Gallery: Sleepless Nights - Hello Melo.
Comment by AB: Detroit artist Hello Melo give us a glimpse into what it's like to live there now. It ain't pretty, but the more colorful examples lead one to believe that with the passage of time, a recovery is ultimately in the offing.
Art by Hello Melo at Campfire Gallery.
Hello Melo art.
More festive art by Hello Melo.
Hello Melo art.
Art in above image closer.
Floor plan - Hello Melo art show at Campfire Gallery.
Gauntlet Gallery: Fab Ciraolo.
Comment by AB: Chilean artist Fab Ciraolo takes pop personalities and sundry timeless icons, colors 'em up glam style, irreverently hipsterizes their personas, and then plops 'em into all kinds of weird-ass circumstances.
Icon art by Fab Ciraolo at Gauntlet Gallery.
Fab Ciraolo art.
Art by Fab Ciraolo.
Art by Fab Ciraolo.
Fab Ciraolo personality portrait art.
Pop icon art by Fab Ciraolo.
The basic idea - Fab Ciraolo art show at Gauntlet Gallery.
White Walls / Shooting Gallery: Arch:Angels - Meggs; A Ghost of a Chance - Ian Johnson; San Francisco is for Lovers - DabsMyla; Unchained - Robert Larson.
Comment by AB: This month at the Shooting Gallery White Walls quadraplex, Ian Johnson steals the show with his dazzling jazzland renditions. He just keeps gettin' better. This dude's a YES. In the front gallery Meggs calls for the overthrow of everything, but hopefully excepts the gallery system which is perfectly positioned to net him profits for his politics. As for the back rooms, to the left we have the levity of DabsMyla (Australian born artist cohabitators Dabs & Myla) combining commodities as disparate as donuts, sausages, lips, diamonds and tits into a fun house of debauchery. To the right, we have the environmental escapades of Robert Larson who orderly recycles discarded cigarette packs and worthless lottery tickets left languishing along gutters, sidewalks and city streets by life's losers.
Art by Ian Johnson at White Walls / Shooting Gallery.
Ian Johnson art.
Wall of Ian Johnson smalls.
Art in above image closer.
Ian Johnson and his art at White Walls / Shooting Gallery.
Art by Ian Johnson.
Anarchy art by Meggs.
Meggs art.
Skull art by Meggs in above image closer.
Art by Meggs at White Walls / Shooting Gallery.
Mural art by Meggs.
Tools of the trade - installation by Meggs.
Art by DabsMyla at White Walls / Shooting Gallery.
Dabs gratifies the fan base.
Myla offers up complimentary art.
Lottery losers collaged into winners by Robert Larson.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Orderly recycled Marlboro packs by Robert Larson.
Modern Eden Gallery: Odd Things - Erika Sanada; Curiosities - Group Exhibition.
Curiosities artists: Melissa Hartley, Bradley Platz, Lara Dann, Richard J. Oliver, Kelly McKernan, Catherine Moore, Laura Buss, Brenton Bostwick, Redd Walitzki, Leilani Bustamante, Rudy Fig, Mab Graves, Cayetano G. Valenzuela, Corey Urlacher, Cynda Valle , Calvin Ma, Mary Syring, Brianna Angelakis, Caitlin Hackett, Matthew Robertson, Donia, Derrick Scocchera, Raven Ebner, Edward Cao, Joshua Coffy, Rodrigo Cifuentes, Scott Holloway, Jason Snyder, Debra Gardner Abarca, Brande Barrett, Steven Suiter, Cory Benhatzel, Lacey Bryant, Steve Belmarsh, Shannon Amidon, Junsoo Kim, Derek Harrison.
Comment by AB: In the main gallery, exquisitely crafted ceramic bird and animal sculptures by Erika Sanada encompass birth, death, normality, anomalousness and everything in between. Go see. The group show in the rear gallery is weighty with weird.
Ceramic art by Erika Sanada at Modern Eden Gallery.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Ceramic art by Erika Sanada (like it).
Erika Sanada and her art at Modern Eden Gallery.
Ceramic art by Erika Sanada.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Erika Sanada abnormality art.
Ceramic sculpture by Erika Sanada.
Curiosities group show at Modern Eden Gallery - Helen Wilson art on pedestal.
Art by James Marc closer (nicely done).
Corey Urlacher art closer.
Wall sculpture by Calvin Ma (center left) - Mab Graves (center right).
Studio Gallery: Lana Purnell & Xiau-Fong Wee - New Paintings.
Review by RWM (images courtesy of Studio Gallery): Amazing cityscapes at night from Xiau-Fong Wee who captures the life and excitement of the city. Nice to see the lights which add drama to the night. Beautiful to slow down and take a look around at that which we may not normally notice in the evening. The colors contained are almost psychedelic.
Admirable attention also paid here in the still-lifes of Lana Purnell. One can find tranquility and symbolism in works which demand attention despite being pictures of ordinary objects.
Art by Xiau-Fong Wee at Studio Gallery.
Lana Purnell art.