(with assistance from RWM)

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Modernism Gallery: Spacetime Industries, USA - Jonathon Keats.
Review by RWM: Einstein's Relativity explored here artistically. One can buy lead to disrupt the gravity waves around one's being. The artist may also be a time traveler from a distant time bringing knowledge and stories to share and fascinate. One might be better able to manage their time after this interesting show.
Comment by AB: According to the laws of physics as interpreted by conceptual theorist Jonathan Keats (with the unwitting assistance of Albert Einstein), time slows in direct proportion to the strength of gravitational pull. So for $19.99, you can purchase a diminutive custom-wrapped lead "time ingot" to keep in your back pocket, thereby increasing gravity's immediate pull on you, and during the course of your existence, lengthen your lifespan by approximately one schmillionth of a second. Is that worth $19.99? Absolutely!
Jonathon Keats art at Modernism Gallery (complimentary posters at the door).
Jonathon Keats (right) explaining the theoretical underpinnings of his art.
Explanatory art in above image closer.
Jonathon Keats elucidates the audience about his art at Modernism Gallery.
Time ingot art by Jonathon Keats - live a little longer for only $19.99.
Art by Jonathon Keats - time your lifespan for only $99.99.
Time warp undershirt art by Jonathon Keats above closer.
Shortening one's lifespan by standing further from earth's center of gravity.
Jonathon Keats time-related art at Modernism Gallery.
Hedge Gallery: Paul Philp - Shadows.
Comment by AB: Elegant earthy ceramics by Welsh potter Paul Philp seem so natural and spontaneous, yet they represent the culmination of over half a century of diligence, perfection of skills, and good old fashioned hard work. Worth a visit.
Ceramic art by Paul Philp at Hedge Gallery.
Paul Philp ceramic art closer.
Earthy ceramic art by Paul Philp.
Paul Philp ceramic art closer.
Ceramic art by Paul Philp.
Ceramic art by Paul Philp.
Paul Philp ceramic art show at Hedge Gallery.
Ian Ross Gallery: Urban Influences in Contemporary Art. Curated by Julie Zener in collaboration with Term of Art.
Artists: JM Rizzi, Dan Monteavaro, 2wenty, Rose Masterpol, Mear One, C Kirk, Hugh Leeman, D Young V, Sam Lamott, John Felix Arnold III, Max Ehrman.
Comment by AB: The state of inner city aesthetics courtesy of artists from San Francisco, Los Angeles and a solo sojourner from Dallas.
Art by Dan Monteavaro (3 on right) at Ian Ross Gallery.
JM Rizzi art in above image closer.
Art by D Young V (David Young V).
D Young V and his art at Ian Ross Gallery (dude's got talent).
Art by 2wenty.
More art by 2wenty.
Rose Masterpol art.
Art by Ckirk.
Art by Mear One (left center) - Hugh Leeman (right center).
Art by John Felix Arnold III (left) - Sam Lamott (right).
Overview - group urban art show at Ian Ross Gallery.