(with assistance from Clare Coppel)

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Jack Fischer Gallery: Ken Morisawa - fishman / waterfall.
Comment by AB: Dramatic active figural abstractions by photographer Ken Morisawa. The modus? He's underwater looking up and photographing swimmers as they pass over him. It's precisely that simple and no more complicated.
Underwater photography by Ken Morisawa at Jack Fischer Gallery.
Ken Morisawa and his photography.
Photographs by Ken Morisawa.
Ken Morisawa photographs in above image closer.
Long view - Ken Morisawa photo show at Jack Fischer Gallery.
Guerrero Gallery: Joey Piziali. Michael Eudy. Lester Monzon. Gustavo Ramos Rivera.
Comment by AB: Four distinct perspectives on abstraction-- diverging on theoretical, stylistic, and even intergenerational grounds. Good art; stop on by.
Art by Joey Piziali at Guerrero Gallery.
Joey Piziali discoursing on his art.
Joey Piziali and his art at Guerrero Gallery.
Art by Michael Eudy.
Michael Eudy and his art in above image closer.
Art by Lester Monzon at Guerrero Gallery.
Lester Monzon art in above image closer.
Art by Gustavo Ramos Rivera at Guerrero Gallery.
Gustavo Ramos Rivera and his art.
The Performance Art Institute: Micromanagement - An Evening of Sixteen Experimental Performance Artists.
Artists: Mabel Negrete and Timothy E Robertson II), Jordan Essoe, Peter Foucault, Jennifer Gwirtz, Barbara Kristoff, Anya Liftig, Cheryl Meeker and Dan Spencer, Ellen Mueller, Naomi Sex, Ann Marie Stoehr, Merav Tzur, Kathryn Williamson, Gordon Winiemko, Katherine Worel.
Comment by AB: Sean Fletcher and Isabel Reichert organize an evening of performances around micromanagement-- "close observation and control over someone else's work, frequently accompanied by an acute focus on minor details, to the point where it often seems more a matter of control than the successful realization of a project."
Shoe check at The Performance Art Institute.
I missed Jordan Essoe's performance, but not Jordan Essoe.
Some sort of human stereo system, I think.
Knitting with videotape at The Performance Art Institute.
Last minute cribbing - on deck for the next performance.
Gallery Heist: Ian Shults - The Social Contract.
Review by Clare Coppel: Large paintings by Ian Shults are mostly black and white with splashes of color-- people dancing, partying and in sexual situations. The paintings are like slightly out-of-focus memories with sort of romantic yet slightly sleazy (not like it's a bad thing) feeling.
Art by Ian Shults at Gallery Heist.
Ian Shults art.
Artist Ian Shults out front at Gallery Heist.
Art by Ian Shults (image c/o Clare Coppel).
Ian Shults art at Gallery Heist.
Art by Ian Shults.
Performance in progress - Ian Shults art show at Gallery Heist.
RVCA Gallery: Locals Only.
Artists: Aaron Curry, Aaron Lee, Aiyana Udesen, Alan Gonzalez, Alberto Cuadros, Alex Coulter, Andrea Sonnenberg, Andrew Putman, Billy Schmidt, Brent Isoldi, Brisa Aceves, Carina Johnson, Carl Newman, Caroline Mersch, Francesco Deiana, Grant Lavalley, Greg Shimada, Hayden Shiebler, Hector Valencia, Ian Maberley, Jihaari Terry, Jeff Canham, Jon Gregg, Josh Lazcano, Josie Perez-Ramondetta, Justin Hager, Kati Knox, Kenneth Mattice, Krista Delosreyes, Kyle Crawford, Kylea Borges, L. Fong, Mark Cross, Matt Waldbillig, Matt Furie, Mateo Verde, Matthew Bajda, Meghan Edwards, Michael Beleber, Moses Rios, Nick Hedlund, Nikki Greene, Nicole Hagen, Pakayla Biehn, Ray Potes, Ryan Beavers, Sam Ferguson, Shaine Drake, Zenaida Sengo.
Comment by AB: Exceptionally dense exhibit of cutting-edge creatibles by a bevy of youthful Bay Area practitioners. Additionally exceptionally dense is the attendance at tonight's event, and so humid that my camera lens fogs up.
Art - group show at RVCA Gallery.
Art by Bay Area artists.
Survey of Bay Area art at RVCA Gallery.
San Francisco Bay Area artists group show.
Yet more art at RVCA Gallery.
The art's even on the ceiling.
San Francisco Bay Area art at RVCA Gallery.
Still more art-- yep.
Entrance to RVCA - challenging to navigate.
Door delta at RVCA store & gallery - group SF Bay Area art show.
Art by Susanna Bluhm at Michael Rosenthal Gallery.
Susanna Bluhm art at Michael Rosenthal Gallery.
Another from art by Susanna Bluhm at Michael Rosenthal Gallery.
One more from Susanna Bluhm art at Michael Rosenthal Gallery.