(with assistance from RWM)

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Christian Daniels Gallery: Yen-Ching Chang & Sung Eun Kim.
Review by RWM: Nice portraits and people painted here with freedom, style, admirable atmospherics, and subdued tones and colors. The works have abstract elements, but the people stand out. Pleasant though also somewhat poignant.
Also to be seen are the paintings of Sun Eun Kim who creates wonderful landscapes and city night scenes. These panoramas can be vast; the cityscapes are more intimate. Nice images of San Francisco captured. Beautiful Nature scenes as well.
Art by Sung Eun Kim at Christian Daniels Gallery.
Sung Eun Kim art.
Art by Sung Eun Kim (left).
Guitar case still life painting by Sung Eun Kim.
Art by Yen-Ching Chang.
Yen-Ching Chang art.
Setting - Yen-Ching Chang & Sung Eun Kim art show at Christian Daniels Gallery.
Art for AIDS at The Metreon: Art for AIDS.
Artists: Astrid Allard, Jesse Allen, Lisa Alonzo, Jhina Alvarado, Jose Maro Alvarado, Don Anderson, Charles Anselmo, Sue Averell, David Avery, Jonathan Barcan, Leonard Baskin, Michael Beckler, Rick Begneaud, Jennifer Berkowitz, Daniel Berman, Susan Bostrom-Wong, Johnny Botts, Blair Bradshaw, Michelle Brandemuehl, Helen Breznik, William Theophilus Brown, Maria Budner, Ed Calhoun, Jan Camp, Squeak Carnwath, Michael Chearney, Linda Colnett, Emily Drabant Conley, Antonio Cortez, Sidnea D'Amico, Rob Delamater, Pamela Merory Dernham, Robin Denevan, Monica Denevan, Daniel Diaz-Tai, Peter Dimick, Patrick Dintino, Frank Döring, Eszter and David, Jennifer Ewing, Fong Fai, John Fitzsimmons, Kat Flyn, Rebecca Fox, Matthew Frederick, Susan Friedman, Kim Frohsin, Thomas Gardner, Sheila Ghidini, Paul Gibson, Katie Gilmartin, Ken Gorczyca, Jesse Gottesman, Sophia Green, Jane Grimm, Jylian Gustlin, dk haas, April Hankins, Olivia Harkness, Jeanne Hauser, Phillip Hua, David Hudak, Jennifer B. Hudson, Hilla Hueber, David Humphrey, John Hunt, Adam Hunter-Caldwell, Joe Illick, Michelle Jader, Martine Jardel, Philippe Jestin, Eric Joyner, Michael Kenna, Michael Kerbow, Wayne Killinger, Byron B Kim, Mike Kimball, Myles Kleinfeld, Lisa Knoop, John Kraft, Katy Kuhn, Kristin Kyono, Carol Ladewig, Marc Lambrechts, Diana Lee, Katja Leibenath, Hap Leonard, Reddy Lieb, Hung Liu, Leslie Lowinger, Derek Lynch, Catherine Mackey, Sanda Manuila, Jesus Marez, Michael Markowitz, Kay Marshall, Liz Maxwell, Kristine Mays, Alan Mazzetti, Michael McConnell, Rocky McCorkle, Frances McCormack, Heidi McDowell, John Melvin, Kenney Mencher, Erika Meriaux, Carolyn Meyer, Marcia Middleton, Wendy L. Miller, Beverly Mills, Leslie Morgan, Ricardo Carbajal Moss, Kevin P. Mosley, Youssef Nabil, Sonja Navin, Kelly Nicolaisen, John Nieto, Hadley Northrop, Annie O'Dorisio, David Ohlerking, Diane Olivier, Mustafa Onder, Charli Ornett, Monique Passicot, Daniel Phill, Matt Pipes, Ferris Plock, Silvia Poloto, Mark D. PowersKen Probst, Kristina Quinones, Gail Ragains, Lucky Rapp, Rex Ray, Robert Reed, Jon Rendell, Fernando Reyes, Ryan Reynolds, Matt Ritchie, David Rose, Rachel Sager,Ron Moultrie Saunders, Ginni Savalli, Chris Schiavo, Greta & Manu Schnetzler, Bhanu Sharma, Doug Shoemaker, Ralph Singer, Michael Smith, David Smith Harrison, Maxine Solomon, Patricia Sonnino, Trevor Southey, Monika Steiner, Charles H. Stinson, Marcia Stuermer, Jock Sturges, Aaron Terry, Kim Thoman, Terry Thompson, Randy Titchenal, Kirsten Tradowsky, Trish Tunney, Frank Van Duerm, Michal Venera, Pep Ventosa, Stephen C. Wagner, Donna J. Wan, John Wood, Tim Yankosky, Elena Zolotnitsky.
Comment by AB: Huge annual fundraiser with both live and silent auctions benefits the UCSF AIDS Health Project. Tons of artists donate art resulting in all kinds of excellent opportunities to augment your collections. Get on the email list for next year's extravaganza. It's a seriously good party as well. Here's a small smattering of what you missed...
Turnout - at Art for AIDS annual fundraiser auction at the Metreon.
Wire art by Kristine Mays (up) & Pamela Merory Dernham (down).
Art by Lisa Alonzo (left).
Art by Peter Dimick (upper left) - Erika Meriaux (upper right).
Art by Sophia Green (upper left) - Fong Fai (lower left).
Art by Ferris Plock (upper right) - Rex Ray (lower left).
Large photograph by Jock Sturges.
Photograph by Daniel Berman (upper left).
Auctioneer Patrick Walsh explains the ground rules to the crowd.
Getting ready to bid.
Charles Anselmo photograph about to go on the block.
Romer Young Gallery: Jonathan Runcio - Glass in the Garden.
Comment by AB: Quality work on all counts even though the envelope is not pushed. But there's much to be said for the conventions of current modernity, in particular when admirably crafted. My fave is the lone bulb pole lamp, the pole firmly set into a rugged hunk of cast concrete and standing impeccably upright. It's got a dimmer on it too. Better than anything you're gonna find in any Design Center showroom for sure.
Jonathan Runcio concrete and metal lighted sculpture at Romer Young Gallery.
Lighting sculpture in above image from another angle (like it).
Jonathan Runcio art in above image closer.
Sculpture by Jonathan Runcio.
Art by Jonathan Runcio.
Jonathan Runcio art.
Wall sculpture by Jonathan Runcio.
Hanging welded metal sculpture by Jonathan Runcio at Romer Young Gallery.
Park Life: Down Below the Feet. Curated by Rich Jacobs and Jordan Isip.
Artists: Melinda Beck, Linnea Gad, Jordin Isip, Rich Jacobs, Chris Johanson, Hannah Lee, Matt Leines, Ashley Snow Macomber, Alicia McCarthy, Jason Polan, Simone Shubuck, Billy Sprague.
Comment by AB: Yet another one of those group shows where the upshot makes sense only to the curators. That said, there's merit to be sure. You just have to hunt and peck the profusion for the good stuff.
Art by Ashley Snow Macomber at Park Life Gallery.
Matt Leines art (left).
Art by Simone Shubuck.
Exceptionally intricate art by Billy Sprague.
Pinkie cam detail of Billy Sprague art in above image.
Art by Rich Jacobs (center).
Art by Billy Sprague (left) - Alicia McCarthy (right).
Linnea Gad art closer.
Hannah Lee art closer.
Attendance figures - group art show at Park Life Gallery.