(with assistance from RWM)
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Satellite66 Gallery: Fernando Orellana - Slideways.
Comment by AB: Big digital, small ink (I think), all creature.
What it is - art by Fernando Orellana at Satellite66 Gallery.
Fernando Orellana art in above image closer.
Digital art by Fernando Orellana.
Digital large, pen & ink smalls by Fernando Orellana.
Fernando Orellana art in above image closer.
Ampersand International Arts: Jason Kalogiros, Maggie Preston, Jessica Skloven - Quasar. Exhibition Essay by Maria Porges. Co-curated by Lori Gordon.
Review by RWM: Burning forms add to the atmospheric, coming to life for the wonderment of others, bright and visible from afar.
Comment by AB: According to the decree, "these three photographers are sacred mediators, quixotic heroes in charge of unlocking the alchemical secrets of the hidden world, of the mysterious forces that surround us. And the three of them are here victorious." Usually the verdict is yours, but here the outcome's apparently preordained. I'm not a huge fan of art shows that critique themselves, but hey-- in this game, the players write the rules. Thankfully, they don't control the show. If they did, every work of art ever created would be worthy of preeminence in the world's great museums. Overreaching edicts aside, the photography's worth seeing. Stop on by.
Photography by Jason Kalogiros (one on the right gets best of show).
Jessica Skloven photography (sorta like it) at Ampersand Intl Arts.
Photographs by Maggie Preston at Ampersand International Arts.
Maggie Preston photograph.
Photographs by Jason Kalogiros (left) - Maggie Preston (right).
Maggie Preston photograph (I think) at Ampersand International Arts.
Demographics - photography show at Ampersand International Arts.
Central City Hospitality House at The Shooting Gallery: 8th Annual Fall Art Auction Benefiting the Community Arts Program.
Artists: Loads.
Comment by AB: Central City Hospitality House operates the only free studio space for homeless and poor artists in San Francisco. Every year, the Community Arts Program (CAP) provides materials and creative space to over 250 artists, plus facilities necessary to store, show and sell their work. Tonight's SRO shebang featuring wall-to-wall art supports that. But you can donate anytime. Think about it.
Marilyn art by Greg Gossel (center) - Community Arts Program auction.
Art by Mike Shine and Akira Beard - Central City Hospitality House.
Art to benefit CAP at Central City Hospitality House.
Art up for auction at The Shooting Gallery to benefit CAP.
8th Annual Fall Art Auction benefiting the Community Arts Program.
What's left of what America used to be - CAP annual art auction.
Is this enough people for ya? Community Arts Program annual auction.
Art by Valentine Viannay at FL!PP.
More from Valentine Viannay art show at FL!PP.
Last one - Valentine Viannay art at FL!PP.