(with assistance from RWM)

How to find a gallery or representation for your art. Click Here.
Rena Bransten Gallery: Tracey Snelling - Mystery Hour; Marci Washington - Sleeping Spell.
Review by RWM: Who says art needs to be beautiful? Here you'll find some dark moods and horror creations. One can explore the aesthetics of fear in a duo of shows which revel in the macabre. Dark folks and scary abodes make for resounding art which is likely not part of the holiday spirit for most.
Comment by AB: Tracey Snelling takes you traveling without ever having to leave the confines of the gallery. Her mixed media sculptures are so convincing, you don't even think of them as art, but rather as genuine destinations approachable only with the most solemn sense of trepidation. In the rear gallery, Marci Washington remains committed to her ghoulish cast of characters, pale as death yet ever at the ready to party on down. Doubly delightful and worth a visit.
Art by Tracey Snelling at Rena Bransten Gallery (like it).
Tracey Snelling art in above image closer.
Creepy city street at night by Tracey Snelling.
Tracey Snelling and her art at Rena Bransten Gallery.
Art by Tracey Snelling.
Tracey Snelling art in above image closer.
Photography by Tracey Snelling.
Imaginary reality art by Tracey Snelling.
Installation view - Tracey Snelling art show at Rena Bransten Gallery.
Art by Marci Washington.
Marci Washington and her art at Rena Bransten Gallery.
Art by Marci Washington.
Marci Washington art.
Art by Marci Washington closer.
Art by Marci Washington.
Ambiance - Marci Washington art show at Rena Bransten Gallery.
RVCA / VASF Gallery: Locals Only.
Artists: Aaron Lee, Aaron Rodriguez, Alex Kopps, Andrea Sonnenberg, Andrew Jordan Luck, Bahama Kangaroo, Ben Venom, Cameron Knutson, Casey Jones, Chris Lux, Dennis Kernohan, Francesco Igory Deiana, Francis Hsu, George Crampton Glassnos, George Lochman, Jihaari Terry, Jonathon Le, Juan Valdez, Justin Hager, Kanoa Zimmerman, kApPy!, Krista Delosreyes, Kristine Reano, Kylea Borges, Last Renaissance, Laura Flippen, Lisa Weiss, Ly Quan, Madeline Allard, MalCOM Project, Malcom Kenter, Martin Machado, Mary Marxen, Matt Chen, Matthew Bajda, Michelle Guintu, Mike Torchia, Nicolas Torres, Nikki Greene, Pablo de Pinho, Primo Pitino, Rachel Duffy, Ray Potes, Ryan Beavers, Sean Newport, Shockwave, Snow Monkey, Stephanie Pence, VOTE, Tristan Arcelona, Willy Reed, Yarrow Slaps.
Comment by AB: San Francisco shines with some serious budding talent. Behold the bounty....
Portrait art by recently deceased artist VOTE at RVCA | VASF Gallery.
Ode to Kaplan's Surplus art by Malcolm Kenter.
Flaming automobile art by George Cramption Glassnos.
Polychromed wood pyramid art by Sean Newport.
Blue-lipped babe art by Tricia Arcelona.
Body-art art by Ryan Beavers.
3-D thug art by Michelle Guintu.
Punny pop icon art by Justin Hager.
Street photography by kApPy! at RVCA | VASF Gallery.
Wall-sized altar of art by Shockwave.
Attendance figures - young SF talent group show at RVCA | VASF Gallery.
Last Gasp Books: Burritos, Beer and Cheer 2013.
Comment by AB: Happy Holidays from the fabulous catacombs of Last Gasp Books and its exceptionally generous and historically insurgent CEO, Ron Turner. This dude is a true Bay Area legend, a counterculture icon, one of the handful of personalities who has had a significant hand in shaping San Francisco into what it is today (and what it may sadly be in danger of un-becoming tomorrow). Even at this stage in his life, with his innumerable accomplishments and accolades, he is still only marginally acknowledged by the mainstream. How much longer will that have to last? In any event, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays... and see you in 2014.
Here we are. The annual Last Gasp holiday party - Burritos, Beer and Cheer.
Our gracious host Ron Turner and affiliates.
Fascinating nooks and crannies galore.
More memorabilia from the Last Gasp catacombs collection.
Meanwhile, out along the hallways....
Here's something you don't see everyday - twin bearskin rugs on a jukebox.
Vintage military ammo chart.
Me hangin' out along a hallway.
That's all folks. So long from Last Gasp Books. See you in 2014.