(with assistance from RWM)

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Rodney Lough Jr. Wilderness Collection Gallery: Unveiling of Cathedral Forest.
Review by RWM: Beautiful landscapes. Great places to visit. Interesting visual dynamics and unusual atmospherics, but in the end you are likely to want to see these places in person. You are also likely to care that they are protected. You can bring a piece of them home with you here.
Comment by AB: Grand panoramic wilderness landscapes signify the hyperreal photographic art of Rodney Lough Jr. Pristine and idealized, these very special places are all about awe... and hopefully doing whatever we have to do to preserve them. The gallery is in the former GAP Store at 1 Jefferson Street in Fisherman's Wharf, and is nearly as breathtaking as the photographs themselves, with it's twin tree trunk entrance foyer and a seemingly endless labyrinthe of art.
Entrance foyer at Rodney Lough Jr. Wilderness Collection Gallery.
Photography by Rodney Lough Jr.
Floorscape - Rodney Lough Jr. Wilderness Collection Gallery.
Rodney Lough Jr. and his photography at his Wilderness Collection Gallery.
Rodney Lough Jr. takes about his newest image, about to be unveiled.
Anticipating the unveiling - Rodney Lough Jr. photography.
Rodney Lough Jr. image unveiling in progress.
And there it is - photography by Rodney Lough Jr.
Photography by Rodney Lough Jr.
Expansiveness at Rodney Lough Jr. Wilderness Collection Gallery.
Yet more acreage at Rodney Lough Jr. Wilderness Collection Gallery.
Survey of photography by Rodney Lough Jr.
Savernack Street Gallery: Watercolor - Peggy Ingalls.
Review by RWM: Nice view through the looking glass. It would have been nicer to have seen more than the optically rounded room which evokes a sense of the fantastical.
Comment by AB: So I drive across town to do what? Look into the Savernack Street Gallery premises through a peephole in the front door-- and that's the deal. The door's locked. But wait. It's opening and someone's coming out. I ask if I can go in and take a look around. "No." And this is the gallery's inaugural show? Oy!
Here we are - Savernack Street Gallery - Peggy Ingalls art show.
The show is only visible through a peephole in the front door.
Viewing the Peggy Ingalls peephole art show at Savernack Street Gallery.
Pinkie cam detail of Peggy Ingalls entire art show.
Peggy Ingalls art show closer. Wanna see the show? OK. Here...
Peggy Ingalls art show at Savernack Street Gallery.
Sorry. That's the best I could do.
Savernack Street Gallery grand opening delectables. Uh... next.
Benny Gold: Ferris Plock.
Review by RWM: Cool and odd personages with all sorts of angst and attitude. Great to see the fantastical with verve. Interesting drawings of people you may or may not have remembered meeting in different forms.
Comment by AB: Peppy little pen & ink drawings by Ferris Plock are eminently affordable... and selling briskly.
Drawings by Ferris Plock at Benny Gold.
Art by Ferris Plock in above image closer.
Ferris Plock and his art at Benny Gold.
Art by Ferris Plock.
Ferris Plock drawing closer at Benny Gold.
Relative density - Ferris Plock art show.
On the esplanade - art by Ferris Plock at Benny Gold.