(with assistance from RWM)

Sagan Piechota Architecture: Lisa Bostwick - Cocktail Party.
Comment by AB: Lisa Bostwick surveys how we spend our leisure time in a series of spacious paintings. Options include vacations, relaxing poolside, a day at the races, fishing, sailing, and of course, cocktail parties. And speaking of leisurely options, what better way to celebrate the affair than a cocktail party-- which we do here at the tony Linden Street digs of Sagan Piechota Architecture.
Art by Lisa Bostwick.
Lisa Bostwick discusses her art.
Lisa Bostwick art.
Art by Lisa Bostwick.
Cartoon Art Museum: Spain Rodriguez - Rebel in Ink.
Comment by AB: Tasty forty-year retrospective of the work of artist Spain Rodriguez, one of the pioneers of underground comics and illustration. From radical to raunch-- it's all here and definitely worth a visit.
Comic art by Spain Rodriguez.
Spain Rodriguez comic art.
Spain Rodriguez - Paul Mavrides.
Spain Rodriguez art closer.
Spain Rodriguez art closer.
Lowerdeck Gallery: Playdate.
Artists: Adam Avilla, Adam Flores, Dan Vee, Dave Crosland, David Garvey, Emmett Feldman, Giselle Guerrero, Irma Rivera, Jason Dryg, Joshua Elingson, Matt Delight, Richard Krolewicz, Tony Papesh.
Review by RWM: Wild assortment of images and fixtures. The strange creatures reign supreme at this show, depicted in all sorts of odd circumstances. There was is a city structure bathed in colored light and music. The work displayed is startling.
Comment by AB: New space; grand opening; formerly Silverman Gallery. The quite remarkable city structure referred to above by RWM is the work of Suryummy (aka Emmett Feldman)-- an electrifying amalgam of sculpture, sound, and a computer generated light show, in large part controlled by the viewer, and playing in a pitch black room. Good stuff! I wanna see more from this dude.
What it is. Lowerdeck Gallery.
Close-up of artwork on right in above image.
Light sound sculpture by Suryummy (aka Emmett Feldman).
Another view of multimedia piece by Suryummy (aka Emmett Feldman).
One more of light sound sculpture by Suryummy (aka Emmett Feldman).
Suryummy (aka Emmett Feldman).
Swell Gallery at San Francisco Art Institute: A Matter of Course.
Artists: Lauren A. Ross, Mimi Moncier, David Zuttermeister, Zachary Royer Scholz, Sandie Yi, Alexis Arnold, Llewelynn Ol. Fletcher, Jesse Eric Schmidt, Brendan Wypich, Carmen Winant, Doug Williams, Cathy Fairbanks, Laura Boles Faw. Curated by Cathy Fairbanks and Laura Boles Faw.
Comment by AB: A cacaphonic tumult of SFAI grad student experimental endeavors.
What it is - "A Matter of Course" at SFAI Swell Gallery.
You stick your head in those holes and listen to saounds.
Dude demonstrates proper use of art piece in above image.
Performance, interactive and installation art.
Breasts go homeless for the cause.
Kearny Street Workshop: APAture - A Spotlight on Asian Pacific American Art.
Artists: Taraneh Hemami, Johnny Hi-Fi, Tanuj Chopra, Kenny Yun, Aimee Suzara, Debbie Huey, Loretta Nguyen and James Dawson.
Comment by AB: Kick-off event for the 11th annual episode of this week long festival featuring the work of emerging Asian Pacific American artists in music, literature, visual arts, performance, handmade works, and film.
Population sample.
50 Shotwell Studios, 50 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA 94103: The 7th Annual San Francisco Altered Barbie Exhibit.
Artists: Nancy Worthington, Kimberley Simmons, Aftan Hernandez, Steven Hurwitz, Lauren Lane, Lisa Hamilton, Caren Lorber, Lavonne Sallee, Connie Ricca, Toni Voelker, Christy Lou Sexton, Ernesto Padro Campos, Anne Karin Glass, Alis Cummings, Pearl Jones Tranter, Kari Harvey, Leigh Fonseca, Eli Kilner, Debbie Fimrite, Leigh Radtke, Mary Huizinga, Margie Burke, Rex Buethe, Lisa Glicksman, Cherrie Williams, Bur McAllester, Kirk Brooks, JB Sabin, Evelyn Davis, Arabella Champaq.
Review by RWM: Elaborate homage to cultural icon Barbie with all sorts of perspectives displayed. The works shown are many things including risque, provocative, irreverent, grand, queer, reactionary, and revisionist. Has it really been the Barbie generation? It seems so.
Comment by AB: A capital act of creative buffoonery if there ever was one as Matel's cash cow darling, Barbie, gets sliced, diced, splayed, sprayed, besmirched, elevated, deified, defiled, derailed, de-sexed, sexed, paddled, bound, ordained, and much much more.
Overview - acropolis of Barbie art.
Barbie art.
Jewish lesbian Barbie and deaf lesbian motorcycle Barbie.
My personal favorite - barf Barbie - sorry, it's sold.
Barbie art.
Georgie O'Keeffe Barbie.
These are fun - Barbie box art.
Dia de los Muertos Barbie.
Jonah Burlingame paintings at Gallery 645.
Another from Jonah Burlingame paintings at Gallery 645.
Yet another from Jonah Burlingame paintings at Gallery 645.
Tunes on tap at Jonah Burlingame paintings, Gallery 645.
Jonathan Ball photos of the Great Wall of China at 3A Gallery.
Jonathan Ball and Great Wall of China photo at 3A Gallery.
Jonathan Ball's photographs historic sites in the immediate vicinity of China's Great Wall-- at 3A Gallery.
Last one from Jonathan Ball Great Wall photography at 3A Gallery.