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Modern Eden Gallery: Emilio Villalba - The Next Day
Comment by AB: Haunting fractionated portrait paintings by Emilio Villalba each endure with their own distinct personalities. Well done and worth a look.
Art by Emilio Villalba up close at Modern Eden Gallery.
Emilio Villalba portrait paintings.
Art by Emilio Villalba.
Emilio Villalba at his Modern Eden art show.
Art by Emilio Villalba closer.
Emilio Villalba portrait paintings.
111 Minna Gallery: Last Gasp's 46th Anniversary - A Group Exhibition Celebration
Artists Ron English, Mike Davis, Isabel Samaras, Jennybird Alcantara, Gary Baseman, Elizabeth Mcgrath, Ransom & Mitchell, Rob Reger, Bo Heimlich, Junko Mizuno, Mitch O'connell, Hal Robins, Justin Green, John Law, Randy Dodson, Jay Howell, Winston Smith, Skinner, Sam Flores, Kevin Earl Taylor, Mark Bode, Janelle Hessig, Charlie Wylie.
Comment by AB: Every piece in the show is a tribute in one way or another to The Great Ron Turner and his Last Gasp Press, one of the first and certainly most enduring alternative presses in America. Congratulations on yet another successful year!
Monster by Skinner swaddling a baby Ron Turner at 111 Minna Gallery.
L-R, art by Ron English & Hal Robins.
Detail of pen & ink by Hal Robins in above image (nicely done).
Augmented photography by Bo Heimlich (always unsettlingly entertaining).
Isabel Samaras art features circus strongman Ron Turner.
Jay Howell makes an appearance... always on the lookout for a little lens time.
Surfing a wave of dogs - art by Jay Howell.
Mitch O'connell art at 111 Minna Gallery.
Comic and collage tributes to Last Gasp's life-breath, Ron Turner.
Rare Device: Louise Leong - Rebus Shmebus
Comment by AB: Louise Leong concocts her own graphic language in black & white.
Art by Louise Leong black & white at Rare Device.
Louise Leong art is kinda Haring-esque in feel.
Art by Louise Leong closer.
Louise Leong art.
Circumstance - Louise Leong art show at Rare Device.
The North Beach Bauhaus: Rebecca Peters, Carrington Arredondo, Ronald Sauer, Sean O'Donnell
Assemblage art by Sean O'Donnell at North Beach Bauhaus.
Sean O'Donnell art.
Art by Carrington Arredondo.
Carrington Arredondo art.
Abstract art by Ronald Sauer.
Modernist collage by Rebecca Peters.
Atmosphere - group art show at North Beach Bauhaus.
Canessa Gallery: Ethan Cranke - New Landscape Paintings
Comment by AB: Had to shoot Ethan Cranke's Barbizon-style landscape paintings in the dark because everyone was watching a video of this vintage hippie layin' down a drug-laced rap about life in the good old days.
Art by Ethan Cranke at Canessa Gallery.
Ethan Cranke landscape art.
Art by Ethan Cranke.
Ethan Cranke art.
"... and then we dropped acid, and then we bought a key, and then we headed down to Santa Cruz, and then we got really stoned, and then we..."
Orangeland: Candace Loheed
Comment by AB: Pretty much everything in the gallery/shop is by Candace Loheed. Tonight's show features her paintings and vintage ceramic jewelry.
Art by Candace Loheed at Orangeland.
Candace Loheed art.
Vintage ceramic jewelry by Candace Loheed.
Ambiance - Candace Loheed art show at Orangeland.