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Dolby Chadwick Gallery: Edwige Fouvry - � temps, suspends ton vol!
Comment by AB: Like elusive dreams and reveries, figures and landscapes materialize out of the mist, enigmatic narratives and private inner lives. You can wonder all you want, but you'll never really know. Stop on by.
Art by Edwige Fouvry at Dolby Chadwick Gallery.
Edwige Fouvry art.
Large two-panel landscape art by Edwige Fouvry.
Edwige Fouvry and her art in above image closer.
Art by Edwige Fouvry.
Edwige Fouvry art.
Attendance figures - Edwige Fouvry art show at Dolby Chadwick Gallery.
Hackett Mill Gallery: As I Am - Painting the Figure in Post-War San Francisco. Curated by Francis Mill and Michael Hackett.
Artists: David Park, Elmer Bischoff, Richard Diebenkorn, Joan Brown, William Theophilus Brown, Frank Lobdell, Manuel Neri, Nathan Oliveira, James Weeks and Paul Wonner.
Comment by AB: Some pretty cherry examples of Bay Area Figure Painting include a couple of stunners by Joan Brown, a rare surviving figurative Elmer Bischoff (much of his work was destroyed in the Oakland hills fire of 1991) and a Nathan Oliveira portrait from 1958, not to mention a healthy selection of examples by David Park and Richard Diebenkorn among others. Definitely worth a visit.
1958 portrait by Nathan Oliveira at Hackett Mill Gallery (like it).
Thick & rich impasto art by Joan Brown (like it).
One more delicious early Joan Brown.
Nice work by Elmer Bischoff.
Art by Paul Wanner.
David Park art.
One more by David Park.
A couple of early Richard Diebenkorn Portraits.
Gregory Lind Gallery: Tom Burckhardt - City Slang.
Comment by AB: Intense vibrant abstracts by New York artist Tom Burckhardt are dense in composition and uneven along the edges suggesting the oblique intricacies of big city life, as the show's title might suggest.
Art by Tom Burckhardt up close at Gregory Lind Gallery.
Art by Tom Burckhardt.
Tom Burckhardt and his art at Gregory Lind Gallery.
Abstract art by Tom Burckhardt.
Tom Burckhardt painting.
Overview - Tom Burckhardt art show at Gregory Lind Gallery.
Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery: Susan Grossman - Urban Life.
Comment by AB: Dense cityscapes in black & white with subtle accents of color.
Art by Susan Grossman at Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery.
Susan Grossman urban scenes.
Paintings by Susan Grossman.
Susan Grossman art show at Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery.
K Imperial Fine Art: Geoffrey Detrani - Fictive Landscapes.
Subtle layered abstract landscapes by Geoffrey Detrani at K Imperial Fine Art.
Pinkie cam detail of Geoffrey Detrani art.
Art by Geoffrey Detrani.
Geoffrey Detrani art show at K Imperial Fine Art.
Caldwell Snyder Gallery: Entre Sil�ncios - Marta Penter.
Comment by AB: Waiting, watching, in transit, sitting, and similar conditions of quietude. You never really see whose doing all these things or what their facial expressions might imply. That part you have to figure out for yourself.
Watching - art by Marta Penter at Caldwell Snyder Gallery.
Waiting art by Marta Penter.
Marta Penter and her art at Caldwell Snyder Gallery.
Sitting art by Marta Penter.
Even the shopping bags are taking it easy - Marta Penter art.
In-transit art by Marta Penter.
Long view - Marta Penter paintings at Caldwell Snyder Gallery.
Hashimoto Contemporary: Gregory Euclide - Extract.
Comment by AB: Fabulous fantasy foresty landscapes in all shapes, sizes, dimensions and adventures. So much to see and do in these lush woodsy wonderlands once you let yourself in. The shadowboxed ones are the best. In fact, I like the show so much, I hereby proclaim the whole shootin' match to be Pick of the Night. Definitely worth seeing.
Shadowbox landscape art by Gregory Euclide at Hashimoto Contemporary.
Detail of art in above image. Like it.
Gregory Euclide and his art at Hashimoto Contemporary.
Affordable real estate by Gregory Euclide.
Gregory Euclide shadowbox art.
Environmental sculptures by Gregory Euclide.
Spoke Art Gallery: Moleskine V.
Artists: Bagger43, Brandon Boyd, Lindsey Carr, Kim Cogan, J.A.W. Cooper, Camilla D'Errico, Nicolas Delort, Cannon Dill, Hollis Dunlap, Jeremy Enecio, Valentin Fischer, Jayde Fish, Vanessa Foley, Reinier Gamboa, Greg Gandy, Alex Garant, Jessica Hess, Brandon Holt, Stella Im Hultberg, Mary Iverson, Miles Johnston, Justin "Coro" Kaufman, Hope Kroll, So Youn Lee Sergio Lopez, Travis Louie, Alex Louisa, Rod Luff, Nimit Malavia, Ryan Malley, Jean-Paul Mallozzi, Jeremy Mann, Marco Mazzoni, Nadezda, Tran Nguyen, Zach Oldenkamp, Karla Ortiz, Randy Ortiz, Dan Quintana, Matt Ritchie, Jana Schirmer, Ben Smith, Amliv Sotomayor, Kevin Earl Taylor, Henrik Uldalen, Dorian Vallejo, Miss Van, Cinta Vidal, Brian Viveros, Andrea Wan, David Welker, John Wentz, Aaron Westerberg, Bryce Wymer, Lauren YS.
Comment by AB: Artists are tasked with the objective of doing up double-page spreads in Moleskine sketchbooks with exemplary examples of their art, and here's a brief synopsis of the results...
Nice piece of work by Dorian Vallejo at Spoke Art Gallery.
Travis Louie concocts a most curious creature.
Art by Greg Gandy.
Plenty to see here at Spoke Art Gallery, let me assure you.
Awesome pen & ink art by Brandon Holt.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
L-R, art by Valentin Fischer and Cinta Vidal.
Tran Nguyen art.
Graphite fantasy by Jeremy Enecio.
Relative density - Moleskine V group sketchbook art show at Spoke Art Gallery.
Ramon's Tailor: Postal Collage Project #5.
Comment by AB: 100 artists from 12 countries, split into groups of five, make collaborative collages by sending them back and forth to each other in the mail. It's that simple and no more complicated.
Collaborative postal collage art at Ramon's Tailor.
Collage art.
International collaborative collage art.
View through the front window - group art show at Ramon's Tailor.
You are always welcome to make a donation and support the cause. In exchange, you'll get a complimentary link to your website or email on the Donors Page if you'd like.
First Thursday Shows - March 3, 2016
First Thursday Shows - February 4, 2016