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Gallery 16: Rex Ray Retrospective
Comment by AB: The artist's first retrospective accompanied by the release of a new monograph of his work. Your memory lives on. Thanks for all the joy you've left us.
Magnificent mandala by Rex Ray at Gallery 16.
Wall of small works on paper by Rex Ray.
Art by Rex Ray.
Fantasy plantscape by Rex Ray.
Art by Rex Ray (always excellent).
Dolby Chadwick Gallery: Louise LeBourgeois - Rising Light
Comment by AB: If you need a little calm, quiet and serenity in your life, you can get a triple shot of that here.
Shoreline art by Louise LeBourgeois at Dolby Chadwick Gallery.
Tranquil waters by Louise LeBourgeois.
Louise LeBourgeois and her art at Dolby Chadwick Gallery.
Misty moonlight at the shore - Louise LeBourgeois art.
Ambiance - Louise LeBourgeois art show at Dolby Chadwick Gallery.
Gregory Lind Gallery: Will Yackulic - New Weights & Measures
Comment by AB: How much time do we have left on this planet if we don't change our ways? Will Yackulic offers up an aesthetic perspective on the matter. Good show.
Time-sensitive art by Will Yackulic at Gregory Lind Gallery.
Balance beam mobile by Will Yackulic (like it).
Installation view - Will Yackulic art show at Gregory Lind Gallery.
Art in above image closer.
Corden Potts Gallery: Susan Friedman - At the Edge of Forever
Comment by AB: Solemn atmospheric portraits set mainly against sparse rural backdrops.
Portrait photography by Susan Friedman at Corden Potts Gallery.
Susan Friedman portrait photographs.
Photographs by Susan Friedman.
Cryptic personifications by Susan Friedman.
Photograph in above image closer.
K Imperial Fine Art: Andrea Joki - echo in the half-light
Comment by AB: Paintings by Cleveland artist Andrea Joki done during a residency in Los Angeles. California colors blend and integrate with white and black.
Art by Andrea Joki at K Imperial Fine Art.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Andrea Joki and her art at K Imperial Fine Art.
Over and under color art by Andrea Joki.
Andrea Joki art show at K Imperial Fine Art.
The McLoughlin Gallery: Illusionary Reality - Olivier Haligon and Colin McRae
Comment by AB: Aerial imagery of the Bay Area tidelands and salt flats by Colin McRae contrast with the visual effects of Olivier Haligon's exact industrial screen sculptures.
Aerial photography by Colin McRae at The McLoughlin Gallery.
L-R, sculpture by Olivier Haligon and a Colin McRae photograph.
Olivier Haligon overlapping screen sculpture closer.
Aerial photography by Colin McRae.
Caldwell Snyder Gallery: Open Boundaries - Julie Speidel
Comment by AB: Beauty in simplicity.
Sculpture and hand-rubbed oil paint on paper by Julie Speidel.
Art by Julie Speidel at Caldwell Snyder Gallery.
Julie Speidel and her sculpture at Caldwell Snyder Gallery.
Hand rubbed oil paint on paper by Julie Speidel.
Long view - Julie Speidel art show at Caldwell Snyder Gallery.
MAX Occupancy Art Projects at Mystic Hotel: Annie May Johnston - Paradox of Habitation, Curated by Michele Foyer
Comment by AB: The artist reimagines life in her apartment.
Impressions of apartment life by Annie May Johnston at Mystic Hotel.
Annie May Johnston art (kinda like 'em).
SOMArts Gallery: Shifting Movements - Art Inspired by the Life and Activism of Yuri Kochiyama (1921-2014)
Artists: Susan Almazol, Tomie Arai, Sigi Arnejo, Ellen Bepp, Miranda Bergman, Manon Bogerd Wada, Lorraine Bonner, Karen Chew, Lenore Chinn, Jane Yuen Corich, Reiko Fujii, Antonia Grace Glenn, Isabelle Harada, Bob Hsiang, Alison Ho, Nancy Hom, Barbara Horiuchi, Tina Kashiwagi, Duane Kubo, Lucien Kubo, Nina Kuo, Cris Matos, Alizarin Menninga-Fong, Janice Nakashima, Jane Norling, Genevieve Erin O'Brien, Choppy Oshiro, People's Kitchen Collective, Shizue Seigel, Malik Seneferu, Pallavi Sharma, Alexa Strabuk, Jess X Snow, Renee Tajima-Pe�a, Cynthia Tom, Laura Ming Wong, Danielle Wright, The Yuri and Malcolm Mural Project.
Comment by AB: Presented by the Asian American Women Artists Association and Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center. While I couldn't agree more with the sentiments expressed at this and most shows I see here, the quality of the art has become decidedly uneven, at times to the point where it can compromise the import of the experience.
Wheel of action - art by Nancy Hom at SOMArts Gallery.
Cut paper text art by Ellen Bepp.
Pinkie cam detail of art in above image.
Interment installation by Tina Kashiwagi.
Collaborative art by Miranda Bergman and Jane Norling.
Art by Pallavi Sharma.
Art in above image closer.
Installation by Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition.
Bob Hsiang photography.
Sloppy orgami - group art show at SOMArts Gallery.